May 23, 2004 14:02
Wow, pretty boring weekend. I just worked on the English anthology, wrote my paragraph for the Spanish game, and just was bored out of my mind. Thursday was exciting though. My sister's hampster ran away last monday, and it somehow managed to get into the walls of our house. So it was in the kitchen walls, and we heard it squeaking and stuff, so we cut a hole through the wall near our back door. It wasn't there. Thats when we figured out that since the walls are hollow, the sound would carry a little ways in them. So we kept cutting holes in various places in our kitchen until we had it down to one corner. So we cut through, and there was the hampster. It's perfectly healthy, except it lost a lot of weight, and it was covered in white (its a black hampster). So now we have about 6 holes in our kitchen in various places. And thats about the only interesting aspect of my life right now, besides the fact that a rabid possum died on our porch this morning, and animal control has yet to come and clean it up.