Jun 25, 2005 21:59
I don't remember many details about growing up but every once in awhile I'll get hit with a flashback. I love these little flashbacks and I just ride them trying to remember as much as I can.
I went into the bathroom at work and nobody else was in there so I decided to use the last stall which is also the largest. I get in the stall and there is a weird locked cabinet door that I try and open but can't. I proceed to make stories up about what could possibly be behind this door which reminded me that when I was young I would often make up stories in the bathroom. The main story I would make up was that whichever bathroom stall I was in was my apartment and I would think about how I would go about decorating. Where would I place my furniture, where my clothes would go, if the stall would be large enough? etc. It was always very fun for me and I tried it in all different kinds of stalls.
I think I did this because I never had my own room growing up. Not until I was 13 did I get my own space. I used to cram myself into closets to be alone and listen to music really loud. I also would hide out in the garage and make spaces for myself to be alone.
Now I hate being alone.