Title: A Fool Too Late
Pairing: Snape/Harry, Snape/Harry/Lupin, Snape/Lupin (est.)
Rating: NC-17
Warnings: Utterly gratuitous chan (Harry is 13). Dubious consent. Large object penetration. Double penetration.
Summary: Harry tries to rescue Professor Lupin, but it doesn't go quite the way he'd planned.
Notes: For the
pornish_pixies May Fantasy Fest for
bicyclette, who requested "Harry begs Snape and Lupin to see how much he can take. Be careful what you wish for..(Large) object penetration/double penetration a huge plus. SS/RL established relationship." Title from, "a fool too late bewares when all the peril is past," which was, I believe, Elizabeth I.
A Fool Too Late