FIC: My Unshaped Form [MCU | Bruce/Natasha]

Apr 21, 2015 17:03

title: My Unshaped Form
fandom/setting: MCU, between Winter Soldier & Age of Ultron
pairing: Bruce Banner/Natasha Romanoff
rating: explicit
content: semi-graphic violence, blood, mentions of past brainwashing, psychological torture & suicide attempts, scary medical science, needles
length: ~26k
summary: Of all the people they could have sent, they send Bruce Banner. In his defense, he seems to realize he has no chance of finding her.

AO3: My Unshaped Form

notes/credits: I think I wrote a romance. I think I wrote anything at all.

I spent some time in Prague in the summer of 2010 and all I thought about when I was there was Natasha, so I had some vague ideas that got less vague when Avengers came out. Shit happened and I didn't write for years, and then Winter Soldier came out and I picked this up again. Put it down, AoU trailer, picked it up. Put it down, realized the movie was coming out and I would lose this story if I didn't finish it first. I loved it too much to lose it, so I picked it up again and here we are, just under the wire. Hi. It's been a while, huh. <3

Alternate summary: Five funerals and a science experiment.

Massive thanks are owed to hive, who put up with innumerable emails about this story over the course of months and responded with patience, tolerance and gifs of Mark Ruffalo's mouth; to my science and medical advisers (e & j, respectively); to my crack team of beta readers and plot trolls (murklins, luna, amonitrate, destro); and all the people in my life who had to listen to me talk about this story and were kind enough to do their eye-rolling in a place I couldn't see it. As usual, all the best ideas in this story belong to other people and all the mistakes belong to me.

The title is one possible translation of the word "golem." I had a big list of which pieces of canon were used and which were ignored, but even I don't care about that anymore. Ask if you want to know. The quote at the beginning is Aleksandr Pushkin (via Chekhov), as is poetry snippet at the end. The translation is by Maurice Baring and can be found in Poems, Plays, and Prose of Pushkin, edited by Avrahm Yarmolinski.

crossposted from comment anywhere.

fic : mcu, fic : avengers

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