FIC: Almost No One Makes It Out [Iron Man AU]

May 04, 2010 23:10

title: Almost No One Makes It Out
fandom: Iron Man (movieverse)
rating: R (for language)
characters: Tony Stark, Pepper Potts. Jim Rhodes.
summary: What would have happened if Tony hadn't been born filthy rich? A military AU.
length: ~28,000 words
notes: There is a mechanical bullriding scene. If that does not entice you, you are dead to me. This story is an AU of the first movie, based on the question, "what if Tony Stark hadn't been born with more money than god?" My answer was, well, obviously, he'd be in the Army. I've been working on this for two years now, and it's very close to my heart in ways I cannot possibly articulate. All I can say is that many of my friends and most of my family serve[d] in the military, and I never did; this story is for them. I'm sure they will all be super thrilled to receive a pseudononymous fic dedication in return for their service.

The Hivemind provided invaluable inspiration and cheerleading for this story, especially in its initial stages and its concluding stages and all stages in between. In particular, it would not have been written at all if not for quigonejinn, who provided the initial OMG WHAT IF scenario. The beta was done by committee, and I am hesitant to name names because there are a LOT and I will forget someone and then I will feel really guilty, so, basically, if I had contact with a person at all, ever, over the past two years, that person contributed to this story in some way. That said! inediblebuddha did the military beta from a tent in the desert of Undisclosedistan, and my brother did the JAG Corps beta from the Pentagon. Any remaining errors -- and there are a few, I know -- are my own, and are either unwitting or left in for the sake of Plot and Drama.

Title and cut text from 'Almost Is Good Enough,' by Magnolia Electric Co. Also, apologies to Aaron Sorkin; bits of A Few Good Men appear every once in a while. And now that this is out of the way, I've got some vital squeeing to do about IM2. Holy shit.

link: almost no one makes it out

fic : iron man

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