FIC: That Late I Led [Slings & Arrows | Geoffrey (Geoffrey/Ellen) | NC-17ish]

May 06, 2009 17:51

Title: That Late I Led
Fandom: Slings & Arrows
Characters/Pairing: Geoffrey (Geoffrey/Ellen)
Rating: R? NC-17? somewhere in there.
Summary: Life is small in the holding cell.
Length: ~1,500 words
A/N: Written for meresy's C6D porn tag game, in which I signed up to write surprise porn in 24 hours. isiscolo gave me the prompt 'loneliness,' which I have shockingly turned into something that is less about fun happy porn and more about SOUL-CRUSHING DESPAIR. murklins and tangleofthorns looked this over for me, as usual. Posted at DW, but if you'd like to comment, you're welcome to do so in either place.


fic : slings and arrows

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