May 30, 2007 22:45
We all have great stories about our theatrical experiences so now it's time to share.
1) What was the first play you ever did? What role/job?
Lysander in a Midsummer Nights Dream - 6th grade, I was way short and both Megan Nemire and Ruth Decker were taller than me as Hermia and Helena respectively....
2) What was your most recent show? What job/role?
Singin in the Rain - ensemble
3) What was your most fun show/role?
I can never decide between Armand and Colin.
4) What was your most challenging show/role?
probably Armand St. Just. Coming across as older but still needy... But he was fun
5) What is the most bizarre show or role you've ever done?
Definately the Fakir in The Secret Garden.
6) Has anyone ever written a show for you?
probably not...
7) Have you ever gotten romantically involved with a co-star?
8) Have you ever quit a show to accept a better one?
9) Have you ever completely blown character on stage?
I pretty much dropped character when the bed got stuck on the first show of Secret Garden Scotland edition and I couldn't do much but sit in the bed and still pretend to be asleep despite the raucous all around me
10) What show are you just dying to do?
Frankie in Parade, Jack in Into the Woods, I'd also love to do Beauty and the Beast, The Jersey Boys (any of the 4 guys), many others...
11) Have you ever done one of your "dream" shows?
Armand was one of my dream roles, and Les Mis was fr
12) Who was your favorite director?
The Kathinator
13) Who was your least favorite director?
I'm not a fan of Alison Alexander...
14) What is the most surprising role you have ever been offered?
15) Have you ever injured yourself onstage?
no, but the bed broke during our short tech rehearsal with me on it and I kinda freaked....
16) Have you ever worked on an original play?
not really.
17) What show have you done multiple times?
18) Have you ever done different adaptations of the same show?
19) What roles do you usually get?
ensemble, or the younger male ingenue type I guess...
20) Have you ever had an onstage kiss?
Kissing Lauren on the cheek at the end of the wedding scene in Pimpernel doesn't count.
21) What was your scariest moment in a show?
wondering every night if the baricade would turn.
22) What is your best show memory?
so many good ones!
23) What is your worst show memory?
most of Seussical besides the people in it.
24) Have you ever pulled a prank on someone in a show?
25) Have you ever been the recipient of a prank during a show?