Let's All Do This

Sep 01, 2005 08:56

Hey folks,

I just posted the same thing on the Davidson Live Journal community...so if you're a memeber, I'm sorry that you're going to be reading this twice. I'd cut tag it, but it's too important:

Ok, guys. You know that annoying comedian guy on thefacebook who is constantly trying to friend every single person that has an account on the site??

Well it just so happens that I know him in person...he's a friend of my brother's and they are producers for the same comedy company. Weird, right?

What's my point?

He just sent out an email to every single one of his facebook friends suggesting that we all donate 2 cents for each facebook friend that we have to help hurricane relief efforts.

I decided to give about 17 cents for each friend, and that's still just $35.

It took me about 2 minutes on www.redcross.org

You can pick which fund you'd like to donate to (there's also one for international relief that helps out with tsunami relief efforts) and you can use a credit card.

So I think we should all do this and tell our friends to. Definitely a good cause.

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