Meb Keflezighi, Pinback, Cornbread, and Cajuns

Sep 28, 2005 20:33

Well kiddies, Chris is not the only one with complications involving romance-esque situations. For some inexplicable reason, I came to the conclusion that Nadia was looking for more than just a date to a dance. I have tried on several occasions now to coordinate a date (most likely a movie), and have on each occassion, been shot down. Yes, things like work do get in the way and are quite understandable. Yet there have been numerous instances when extraneous factors caused my plans to dissipate.

There is also another guy that keeps coming up. He was at the game on Friday, as well as dinner afterwards. From what I gathered, he is involved with someone else. Yet I could not help but notice that Nadia and he were a bit too chummy. Are they just good friends? Was there a past history between them? The fact that she speaks with him on the phone quite frequently introduces another possibility: there is an active relationship.

I wouldn't mind a relationship with her, in fact I believe that it would be rather enjoyable and a crucial milestone in my social developement (yes, a first girlfriend). She seems like one of the best choices that I could ask for, and I don't believe that I'm all that undesirable. But considering the above outlined circumstances, I'm unsure if a relationship will develope. Am I just paranoid? Jealous?

In other, less dramatic news, I have added a few bands to my musical repertoire. Staples of my daily musical habbits include:

The Decemberists
Explosions in the Sky
Ima Robot
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