Erasmus, Da Vinci, Septimius Servus, Petrarch, Chuck Noris

Dec 05, 2005 21:02

Ah. Well. I suppose that the best way to go about doing this is in chronological order, starting with Thanksgiving. I did spend it in Paris with my father. It wasn't the best of times, nor was it the worst of times. It definitely could have been a lot better, but staying at the Hilton Arc d'Triomphe, walking along the lit streets of the Champs-Elysee, and sipping Nuovo balanced things out quite well. After wasting a day on L'Open Tour tour buses, things picked up. From the landing beaches of Normandy; the Lourve with the Mona Lisa, Venus de Milo, and a slew of early Roman statues; Notre Dame; Saint-Chapelle, guided by a doctoral candidate in Medieval History; to Les Invalides and Napoleon's tomb; twas all quite enjoyable. Throw in a few days in London where we saw the one and only "Stomp" as well as "The Phantom of the Opera," it wasn't a bad trip at all.

Then, snap back to reality (as I shudder as scenes from Eminem's 8 Mile are conjured). Not quite so much of the daily grind, nor the down-troddenness that is my usual temporment as of late. Mark and I are really bonding through running. I went with him yesterday around his neighborhood, afterward we hung out for a while. This is the start of something that should have been a long time ago.

Women however, are quite a different story. This is yet another commanlity that Mark and I share: the bewilderment of relationships, specifically how to enter into one. Why have most of the girls, even the ones that are considered to be above the mean (by at least 2 standard deviations) are unexplainably attracted to the loser guys. You know the ones - the guys who show not even the faintest bit of chivalry or good taste, who think nothing to just slap a girl on the butt. Yet these girls think it is somehow cute and desirable. What gives? Do I just hold extremely antiquated views on courtship?

There is a decent number of girls whose attention I am vying for. There's one with whom it would be fun to share "random play" (as Facebook refers to it) with. There are a couple that would be OK, but not the greatest thing ever. Then there's the one. How to get the one, that is the question of the hour.

BPCC final was tonight. As long as the test isn't worth over 100 points, I could have made a zero and still had an A. It's nice going in with a 115% average.

And I still want Facebook (college edition, of course).
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