So I feel I should post something.

May 17, 2007 16:15

It's been a while since I have. Let's see...

I'm all moved into my summer housing. It's nice to have a room to my self. I am not a sharer, so having the ability to spread my stuff out all over the place and arrange my room the way I want is pretty nice. This room is easily twice the size of my last one, so I've got a pretty sweet deal here for the next three months.

I'm looking forward to Jess's 21st. We went shopping today to find nice things to wear into New York City, but no luck for Jess or I. Kelsey, however, found tons of new clothes. I got a really nice choker, so I'll wear that with my black boots, skirt and red shirt. I will be nice and sexy, and the red shirt will hide my stomach fat quite nicely.

My job doesn't start until the 29th, but I've got a few things lined up between now and then. Hopefully, this job at the Book Cellar will work out. I would love to be paid to sit in a comfy chair and read for a couple nights a week. Which is, essentially, what the job will be.

Problems with money, thanks to my boss forgetting to complete her share of the timesheet in time to be paid last Friday. I'll get paid for those hours next time, but I really need the money now. I'm not going to starve, but I do have a couple bills to pay, not to mention Jess's birthday foray. I'll make it work. Somehow.

I'm getting pretty excited for Jess's new DnD campain! I'm making a charater of awesome, and that makes me soooo happy. I can't wait!

One last thing--this morning, in the shower, I had a realization. I watched Dead Poets' Society the other night, and I didn't really like it that much. It wasn't bad; it just didn't reach me the way it was trying to. I thought at first it was because I simply cannot empathize with weak-willed people who can't stand up for themselves, even if it is to their parents. A year or two ago, I would have fallen in love with it, becuase of the whole "being a teenager is hard" and "coming of age in the worst way possible" thing. Now, that doesn't reach me. I feel as though I've finally left my teenage angst behind, and that I've grown up at long last. If that's not a cause for celebration, I don't know what is. Go me!

Off for a nap!

first world problems, friends, college

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