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Jun 20, 2005 15:47

I don't know how yall update so frequently...maybe I did that at one point but i dont remember...so lets see...this is yet another entry where i feel like i need to update so those of you who havent seen me will know im still alive and kickin...:) ummm ok ill start with friday...had a jazz concert in clanton...i dunno if anyone other than hannah doesnt know where that is...peach place...chilton county...exit 205 off of I-65...so ya...i got recruited to be in this jazz band and it was the worst one ive ever been in lol...and i think 95% of the songs we played i had a solo in...and it was really cool to have all these people come up to me and be like "oh my heavens we enjoyed you so much, you have a great sound..." i was like "wow thanks" lol...my parents came and that was cool...we played pink panther...which is basically a tenor sax solo...and my dad was still whistlin it and hummin it sunday when i left lol...dont get around much anymore...it dont mean a thing...georgia on my mind...'S Wonderful...You are the sunshine of my life...lots of stuff I have played before...and some new stuff...the stuff i had played b4 was totally diff. tho...they were even easier versions than the ones from bwood :) lol...georgia sucked...wow...booo...ummm then some friends from Auburn came...they were supposed to come listen to the concert...but they arent very punctual and they drove up 5 minutes after it ended...even tho there were 2 diff. times they could have come...630 or 730 lol...but then we went to City Stages...even tho i wasnt plannin on it...and Ryne came with us...we waited for an hour to hear ludacris...then he FINALLY came on and we left...while we were sittin there these little black boys walked up and wanted to sell me a marijuana necklace that had a light up bead...and then they wanted to sell me oxicontin lol...they were like 12...good lord...then this other black guy came up to one of the girls i was with and was like "hey baby you got a boyfriend" and she was real dumb and said "no" and then this guy named robbie looked at the guy and the black guy was like "what you lookin at white boy? Ill beat your ass" we were frightened...then we found the Killers and "listened to them" i saw catherine white and matt williams and i was excited then rynes friends came up...keaton and brian...and then i saw catherine and Kat...so i saw lots of people...which was fun...but city stages sucked...i had a foot long corn dog too...that was the highlight...then i saw a guy peein on a truck...went home and went to bed...then got up at 830...and proceded to work on building a porch all day long...as i did sunday as well...and at the point where i almost killed myself bc i couldnt take anymore of my dad...i finslly got to leave...yay...then he found out i dropped music history...but apparently he thinks i dropped it right at the beginnin even tho i just dropped it a couple days ago...and so he was like "all you have been doin is sittin around on ur ass for 6 weeks...so u can come home every weekend until u geta job blah blah blah" and this was all ona voicemail...and im thinkin..."ok ive only been here for 4 weeks...2 of those weekends i have gone home and worked with my dad...which is more than i ever go home durin a regular semester lol...so whatever dad...today i slept thru enlish accidently...whoops...and she emailed us tellin us she drastically changed the due date for our paper...which could be bad...it was due friday but the way she worded the email makes me afraid it may be due wednesday lol that would suck ASS...oh and to all of you who came to my glorious party last weekend...i hope ya had fun...i did...and i will try to let us have another party...as soon as i think i can be around my dad again...ok
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