what has the world come to?

Jun 18, 2005 06:04

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fuzzywarbles June 18 2005, 07:15:49 UTC
that relationship is just plain creepy. i don't trust either of them.
the whole scientology thing just freaks me out too, even though i know people who are into that stuff...but i just think it's creepy.


atotheshley June 18 2005, 19:15:13 UTC
"The aims of Scientology are a world without insanity, without criminals, without war, where the able can prosper and where Man is free to rise to greater heights."

that's the fuckin' most far-fetched idea for this fucked up universe.

a world without insanity pretty much excludes tom cruise. just look at him! HA!


fuzzywarbles June 18 2005, 22:31:37 UTC

check out that site. fucked up shit.
i should stop talking shit because i have friends that are scientologists and i love them. but their "religion" scares me to death.


atotheshley June 18 2005, 23:09:04 UTC
so the "church" doesn't allow them to receive proper medical care or advises suicide?
that is pretty fucked and scary.


fuzzywarbles June 18 2005, 23:48:12 UTC
yeah, from what i understand they dont' believe in medication or treatment. i can understand wanting to be all natural..but in some cases..that just doesn't work!


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