Ok, let's not kid ourselves. You people don't read this blog for amusing anecdotes about my kids or well-reasoned and balanced musings about the world we live in today. You don't even really care about the funny links. All you people really want to hear is rabid, foaming at the mouth, I-hate-republicans, whackjob liberal rants. And I'm nothing if not a people-pleaser.
So let's talk about Arkansas. At least 573,873 of you people are stupid, worse-than-useless, sick, evil, steaming little piles of shit. We're all aware of the landslide of ballot proposals that won last night to discriminate against gay and lesbian families by banning their right to legal marriage. I could cook up another nice, frothy rant about that, but for the moment, let's turn our attention to ballot initiative 1 in Arkansas: the
Ban on Gay Couples Adopting Children. (I couldn't find a handy link to the exact language, but that page will do.)
I'm happy that Barack won last night. Elated, actually. I'm doing fucking cartwheels that we finally elected someone decent to our highest office. And I couldn't be happier that America showed enough of a chink in it's armor of discrimination and ignorance to actually elect an African American. But it is also clear that we have a long way to go.
Banning competent, loving, capable couples from adopting children is the lowest, the most inexcusable, despicable thing that an electorate can do. In case you haven't noticed, we're not exactly suffering from a glut of capable loving, married heterosexual parents in this country. (Just google Nebraska to see what your precious straight married parents are up to lately with the children that they legally parent.)
The American Academy of Pediatrics and the American Psychiatric Association both support gay parents as equally capable of raising happy, healthy, well-adjusted children as heterosexual parents. The only "evidence" that gay parents are not good for children is nasty, vicious, lying, bullshit propaganda put forth by radical, dangerous, Christian religious extremists who have their mitts all over the republican party.
Not to even mention families like mine who ALREADY have two gay parents in a household where the parents actually gave birth to their own goddamn children but cannot get legal recognition in order to protect those children in the case of something happening to the biological parent -- or to ensure access to health care through the non-biological parent -- or to even ensure that in the case of separation, the children have a right to see their own mother or father in the event of the biological parent becoming a complete shithead or god forbid the biological parent and the child are both hospitalized in a car accident, there is no protection to ensure that that terrified, injured child can be visited by the one parent left who is not in a FUCKING COMA.
I could tell you horror stories, hundreds of them, of what happens to children in families that are not protected by legal marriage or legal adoption. Any person with an ounce of human decency would cry their fucking eyes out and do anything to help these innocent children have access to the basic things that they need and deserve in life. And to deny our children access to these things on some kind of "moralistic" grounds that you think you know what is fucking best for these fucking families that you have never fucking met because some ignorant, bigoted, child-molesting, backwoods, hypocritical, self-righteous clergyman told you that it was GODS FUCKING WILL is the biggest lie that has ever been told.
Burn in hell, motherfuckers. Burn in fucking hell.