Jul 08, 2005 19:10
Dog Hounding / Pounding / Housing Projects
Dog With a House
The British Background (Logistics Check, Courage of a Dieing Dental Plan)
Your Porcelain Raquet Ball
Lost Landing of a 747
Sword Fairing - Fall Fairly well over top.
"A Window Brigade"
"The Armstrong Wrist band of Hope"
"The Era of the Powerwash"
It seems very appropriate to post this one bit:
Surrogate Father on
Tuesday Knight
side walking over step
of a land caste and
a Baie Verte
richard to the
george to the
Set nip nip warrrrrr.
ground set
lake side
cat nip set
Govener life time, wife time, real life prime
Strap a Coney Island / Strap a Commie Island.
Rounding out our Crinkled Comrades.
Smack a Ronnie.
Love Nesting / over eating / achieving
The new era of Wealth / Wreaths
His voice was endless, like a gaze after supper
and when he spoke it spilled out and all over me.
I am done Treeplanting for a while and am now in Toronto with Amanda my Dear, and we are out and about so if anybody is in Toronto you should come and see us and we could all go out for iMocha Frapp o Chino Vutton Chilli and cheese butterscotch o McCafe lattes.