cell phone post.

May 24, 2010 04:28

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sometimes i dream i'm an exterminating angel blackeyedskank May 30 2009, 01:04:45 UTC
She had planned on going that night, lurking in the shadows and creeping along alley walls until she could smell him, until she could see him, reach out and grab a shoulder and drive her fist between his eyes and dig her knuckles beneath his ribs, her heels digging points into his feet. Ruby doesn't really want to hurt him - not that she minds it - but there is a definite perk to besting someone who is both taller and has a certain advantage on the supernatural side of things. She's never fought a vampire before, and while verbal throw downs are enough to keep her interested for a certain amount of time, there is a part of Ruby that is primitively physical, that craves violence, that wants to fight. It's the part of her that wears her eyes black when she's been pushed too far ( ... )


sometimes i dream i'm an exterminating angel atoner May 30 2009, 01:37:49 UTC
Patrols are necessary now that Connor is gone. Angel once left his son to these activities, allowing him to enjoy the fact that he had some use in the City. But now that he's gone, he knows he must pick up the slack, lurking in the shadows, hoping that he doesn't find someone in pain, but almost always expecting it; the City is not afraid to draw in all types of people. It is not afraid of bringing them in and allowing them to cause pain, even where others may live, walk, sleep, on a regular basis. He has first hand, second hand-more than enough experience with it ( ... )


sometimes i dream i'm an exterminating angel blackeyedskank May 30 2009, 02:04:08 UTC
Her eyebrows jump and the balls of her feet press into the ground as she shifts to the side, trying to get some sort of tactical or balanced advantage while trying to twist out of his grip. She's laughing, some low-pitched obnoxious sound as she wraps the fingers of one hand around around his wrist and makes to headbutt him, the world rushing by in a swirl of blonde hair and streaking neon light from far off advertisements.

"The first challenge? Ha," she breathes, still mocking and laughing, even as she miscalculates with the headbutt and has to go with jerking her head back to get it out of his way. Ruby feels the blade at her thigh pressing against her skin through her jeans, hot and heavy and the hilt humming as she yanks away from him as best she can and pulls her fist back to make aim for his face. Going for the knife is going in dirty, and although Ruby has no honor, no sense of dignity for these things, she's not willing to end a good fight before it's over when she really wants it.Like a human, she doesn't like to talk when ( ... )


sometimes i dream i'm an exterminating angel atoner May 30 2009, 02:47:44 UTC
The decision to let her just attack is an easy one. Angel shifts to the defense to watch her actions, but his defense is an offensive one, taking a hit, taking another, before swinging in and slamming his fist into her jaw. Swift and seamless, it's apparent that he has been fighting for years, that this is what some would consider to be "like breathing." Only Angel doesn't have that inhibition ( ... )


sometimes i dream i'm an exterminating angel blackeyedskank May 30 2009, 05:25:35 UTC
Stars don't explode. Colors don't pop and flare. Her teeth rattle in her mouth and her tongue tastes blood, little rivulets of red sinking between her teeth like water: technicalities, automatic sensations. Ruby smiles around a mouthful of copper, moving with the inertia of the blow, turning her body in a circle to come back at him, that leg raised, her smile gone and substituted for focus. She spends a lot of her time thinking - her humanity, the people she's come across, her goals, what she has to do in order to stay one step ahead of the game, her mistakes - but when she's moving like this there's a clarity, a distinct silence in her unclouded head ( ... )


sometimes i dream i'm an exterminating angel atoner May 30 2009, 06:32:00 UTC
The smell of the blood is a little disorienting, making him pause long enough after she spits it out to make him feel the kick and stumble back. But Angel has fought humans, bleeding from the mouth and other extremities, and while he's hiding the fiercer side of himself just barely, he holds on; that's a part of the big finale, the part where she certainly brings out that weapon and forces him to fight seriously. Ruby wants this, and with her words are just filler, her actions speaking louder than anything.

"It probably isn't up to standard if you're injured, that's all," he says, taking a few steps back. "But maybe that's why you're trying so hard." A quick flash of a smile before he slides in closer, his feet barely touching the ground as he twists and ducks down to almost slash his elbow at her midsection. It puts him at the disadvantage, he knows, but whether it connects or not, he's already turning to kick a leg out at her again-in the same part of her body. Knock the wind out of her when she's already weakened, and the ( ... )


sometimes i dream i'm an exterminating angel blackeyedskank May 30 2009, 07:02:54 UTC
Ruby's spine jerks upright and then bends forward as she angles her torso away from his elbow, her mouth dropping open in an O of concentration, breath panting in a warm steam in front of her. The motion is enough to leave her just as open as he's managed to leave himself, and the naked realization of what's coming her way hits her like a bag of bones before she can even react. If she hadn't fought with Ishiah, hadn't lost to Ishiah, then this wouldn't be happening. She would have Angel on his back, her boot on his throat, smug satisfaction and an 'I told you so' grin tipping up the corners of her mouth ( ... )


sometimes i dream i'm an exterminating angel atoner May 30 2009, 08:55:29 UTC
While it isn't a deep gash, the pain he's been feeling exacerbates to the point of him changing, his features shifting and his fangs showing. He knows there are times when he has been in greater pain than this; Angel is no stranger to torture, to greater fights than this, but he wants to end this quickly. He is not trying as hard as he could be, and he wonders if she realizes it. The choice to take the defense, the few attacks directed toward her that were direct-the moment they fell into a pattern, it was her pattern, her drive, her tiring herself out ( ... )


sometimes i dream i'm an exterminating angel blackeyedskank May 30 2009, 09:23:22 UTC
She's surprised but only for a moment and only in a way that spells amusement before it's wiped away but sudden motion, something like a grunt moving past her lips as the breath is pushed out of her again along with all the noise she's got left in her throat. The skin on the back of her hand pulls back and she feels all the tiny little indentations the rocks leave in her flesh, but she doesn't let go of her knife, fingers curled around it tight enough to leave her knuckles bone white ( ... )


sometimes i dream i'm an exterminating angel atoner May 30 2009, 09:41:21 UTC
Blood, blood, blood-the smell of it is almost overwhelming, only emphasized further when her head slams against his forehead. The pain courses through him and it takes everything to keep him from responding violently, from ripping her arm down and forcing the knife from her hand. Safe, it's all to safe, as he holds on to that self-control. It's a struggle he has to go through every day. Little cuts, little circumstances, but it's all too visible with how she is right now ( ... )


sometimes i dream i'm an exterminating angel blackeyedskank May 30 2009, 09:55:28 UTC
Her boots clack to the ground abruptly but she retains her balance like she's little more than a cat, knees bent and head down, her hair a pale mess around her disheveled face. There's something electric about a fight, no matter your own personal outcome, and she feels eighty miles high, sulfuric blood beating a little faster against her skin, her pulse heavy in her own ears. Her breathing comes raggedly, too, strained much the same way it had been when she'd fought Tammi, so long ago ( ... )


sometimes i dream i'm an exterminating angel atoner May 30 2009, 10:12:16 UTC
"About myself?" The phrasing of the statement is curious. Although Angel has quite a bit to say, fast remarks about how that fight had everything to do with this one, he doesn't point it out. Less desperation would have made this fight better for her; she would have been stronger, faster, smarter, less blinded and able to figure out his own strategy. She would have been able to figure out that he was being careful, cautious, as if he could easily tell that one wrong move would have pushed her body over the edge. "Why don't you tell me, then, Ruby ( ... )


sometimes i dream i'm an exterminating angel blackeyedskank May 30 2009, 10:28:17 UTC
Fast fingers move through her hair, snagging in snarls and pulling out pebble and dirt from where her head had collided with the wall. Her palm feels sticky with sweat, but she doesn't register it. Sweat is such an insubstantial thing, for insubstantial people. She doesn't feel hot, and the perspiration she wipes off of her forehead with the blood there is just another thing, another product of what she wears ( ... )


sometimes i dream i'm an exterminating angel atoner May 30 2009, 19:28:19 UTC
Her statement surprises him a little, what with its connection to Spike-but Angel doesn't take the bait. It occurs to him quickly that his little inquiry means more than he initially thought. Her change of posture, the moving closer, there's something indicated that he's not quite grasping. His eyebrows raise at her question, but still, he doesn't take the bait.

Whatever it is, she's chosen to make this serious, to make it more than an off-comment about how he doesn't always understand her, isn't always able to parse out the meaning. He knows it's true, but this digs deeper.

"I thought I was bad at guessing games," Angel tells her. She has chosen to close the distance, so he takes a step closer, challenging her, showing the control that he has once again over the scent of blood. "Maybe you could give me a clue, something more than 'you always have it wrong'. Of course, I don't think I always do." He pulls his shoulders up for a casual shrug. "Sometimes, of course, but not always. Then again, it isn't about me being wrong, is it? It ( ... )


sometimes i dream i'm an exterminating angel blackeyedskank May 31 2009, 03:46:11 UTC
Coming from the world that she does, everything is weighted to mean more than it might seem initially. Tiny movements and motions can cause huge ripples, smashing too many butterflies under your boots can change the fate of the world around you, and one statement, one question asked, can mean one million different things in all the grand schemes. Every conversation that Ruby has is loaded, the words heavy. She's so used to treating every sentence, every punctuation mark as a potential threat or means to comprehend more that her immediate reaction is defensive ( ... )


sometimes i dream i'm an exterminating angel atoner May 31 2009, 04:36:10 UTC
The one time Angel isn't quick to read between the lines, to seek answers from nothing, she adds in that meaning. It is better that he does not take the bait as he falls into the normal way of perceiving things-think first, excessively so, and ask questions later, after he's managed to put two and two together and add up to many different variations of four ( ... )


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