OOC Grab Bag

Jun 25, 2011 02:51


CHARACTER SERIES: ...Angel. also BtVS.


Backtagging: sure, but if it's far enough back and not dramatically important, i may not respond.
Threadhopping: oh my god yes.
Fourthwalling: please no. the game doesn't allow it anyway.
Offensive subjects (elaborate): i don't take offense easily, but if it's something you think you should warn for, please do.


Hugging this character: allowed, but expect awkward.
Kissing this character: same as above but increased by a factor of 10!
Flirting with this character: yes. just... don't expect a great response.
Fighting with this character: sure, and he will definitely fight back.
Injuring this character (include limits and severity): injuries are fine! severe/potentially fatal ones might need extra permission though.
Killing this character: ask, please. this will probably only get a yes if it's part of a plot.
Using telepathy/mind reading abilities on this character: he's actually immune, but if you have a REALLY COOL IDEA we can make mist exceptions. i am flexible lady.

Warnings: uh... there may be the occasional mention of murder/torture/rape/etc? anything graphic will be properly tagged though!


questions, concerns, comments, critiques, cupcakes, kwisatz haderach-- okay i'm done. but in any case, let me know here!
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