this isn't directed at anybody in particular but i seem to have been involved in a number of discussions lately where i've been on perhaps the less popular side of a debate. and thinking about it there are a number of opinions i hold that are apparently not politically correct or widely supported.
this may make you like me a little less )
I support Israel too, I'm pro-abortion and pro-death penalty (for environmental reasons, and because providing food and shelter for people who can't function in society is working against the natural evolutionary order to the detriment of our shared resources), I agree with you on uniforms and the other educational ideas, and speed cameras ("they're just revenue raisers" isn't a reason to want them removed, or true), also not too worried about ID cards ("I have nothing to hide"... famous last words?).
I'm for a united Ireland too; British Ireland. I only disagree on republican England (Madge isn't in charge because of her birth, btw, she's a well cared for slave because of her birth) and getting rid of borders. Don't you think being pro-Israel is at odds with your idea of a one world order? Also, I know Hollywood and McDonalds and etc are doing a good job of eroding culture but I don't think we should be speeding up the advent of a blander world. Luckily human nature is on my side with this; people will always find something to pick sides over because we identify ourselves by our differences. At the moment so many small ethnic and regional groups are fighting for independence that I can't see it ever happening. And in a one world democracy the more populous regions/ethnicities/religions will vote in favour of whatever benefits them, at the cost of minorities, who will then seek independence. And who wants Muslims and Christians and Jews saying what we can eat or wear or read or whatever? Different rules for those groups, and we might as well have different countries. But mainly I think it would be a boring place to live.
the one-world thing is completely idealistic and probably entirely impossible. (been watching lots of star trek recently) i do think that border disputes (or territorial pissings) are some of the stupidest things for people to fight over. i support israel in the here-and-now, but that has little to do with borders really. borders wander around. look maps of europe over the past couple hundred years - the number of shifts and revisions is insane! surely that shows that, particularly in europe, they're fairly arbitrary lines. if we as a species can get over squabbling for particular scraps of land and move on, it'd be a good thing. sadly that doesn't look likely any time soon.
and i don't reckon that removing borders brings about homogenisation. as you note yourself, we're doing a pretty good job of that already. i love differences between individuals and between cultures. that's one of the things that makes london such a great place.
muslims, christians and jews do tell us all what we can or can't do, more or less. our society is built on abrahamic moral codes, with a few values changed here or there. for example film ratings are certainly based on western christian moral standards, which is why sex is heavily censored and violence is not. we are progressing towards a more morally open society. hopefully the rest of the world will too.
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