hope i gave everyone something to think about

Apr 28, 2005 21:55

would you watch Quantum Thunder?

1. What would be the last book you'd want to read, if you will never be able to read again. Why?
That's a tough call. i don't know what i would do if i couldn't read. maybe go crazy. but i'm getting away from the point of the question. uhh, i'd have to say that i would want to read Isaac Asimov's Nightfall again. it seems appropriate.

2. Would you rather have creative talent, or technical brilliance? In other words...would you rather be able to do something perfectly or would you rather have heart and soul in your work?
If you think about it logically no one can do anything perfectly. but i suppose i'd have to say technical brilliance. b/c no matter how beautiful something is it's all meaningless to other people if there's no meaning in it. does this make sense? i mean, no matter how flawless something is if you didn't put your heart into it it just becomes another thing and may as well be a paperweight, whereas if you put your heart and soul into something that it will mean something to somebody. To sum up what i'm trying to say there's a phrase that says something like this "you may mean nothing to all the world, but to one person you may be all the world"

3. Describe the inner peaceful place you retreat to when you want to escape from reality.
It depends on the mood i'm in but usually someplace far away. somewhere so far away from everything that's got me so upset that it can't reach me. this place various so one time it might be a forest another time it may be the moon or another planet somewhere or even just deep in interstellar space or a meadow or any number of places where i can be infinitaly alone and cry until the pain goes away.

4. What's your most interesting dream or scariest nightmare?
I don't normally have dreams so i really can't say.

5. If you were offered the choice, would you want to live forever (i.e. a very long time), would you want to remember your previous lives (if you believe in reincarnation), or would you live life as it is: brief and transient? Discuss
I would want to liver forever so that i would never have to die. I know it sounds childish but dying is my biggest fear. It's not even that i'm scared of what comes after so much as i'm too attached to this world to leave. actually not even that, it's just that i don't want to die. i'm not sure if this means that i have a strong will to live or if it means that i'm just too afraid to die.

Indeed, you are 70% erudite, 79% sensual, 66% martial, and 91% saturnine.
Neit, who was said to have emerged from the primeval water to create the world, is one of the oldest Egyptian Goddesses. Although the Egyptians believed that Neit was of both a masculine and feminine nature, as she was self-produced, she was usually depicted as a woman.
The Egyptians believed her to be an ancient and wise Goddess, to whom the other Gods came if they could not resolve their own disputes. Besides being the ruler of the lower Heavens, she was also the patron to hunt and warfare, domestic arts, mysticism, as well as women and marriage. All this makes her some kind of a “jane-of-all-trades.”

As a deity, Neit is often shown carrying a bow and arrows, linking her to hunting and warfare, other times she is shown with a sceptre, symbol of rule and power, and the ankh, symbol of life.
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