Oct 05, 2005 00:12
Lol, so here's some history on the infamous 'j dubb'.
6th grade, i claimed the name j dubb as a joke in english class from d-manning.
i didnt do any writing until about 7th or 8th grade.
I was "susposivly" coming out with a cd in 9th grade..but I never got around to it...lost interest.
Also was "susposivly" coming out with a cd in 10th grade..I had a soundclick account and everything..and at that time the lyrics were trash and the beats were horrible. So I got a lot of shit for it and I lost interest again.
This summer though, I met this kid from New Mexico. Talk to him a lot, he's the shit. He started sendin me some beats and stuff and I got back into it. He taught me a lot about writing songs and such..and he's your average teenage white kid like myself(not a wigger).
He got kicked out of his house and hasnt been producing..but he just set up all of his shit at friends house so I'm back in business.
The title of the albulm will be "return of the dubbb vol. 3"(for obvious reasons)
edit : chyeaa, i'm just going to surprise everyone! =D
But still..watch out for the album drop..P!