Oct 29, 2009 10:07
First CRAPITAL Connect more like. Argh, argh, argh, argh. I AM NOT KIDDING, 20 minutes outside EACH STATION (just past London Bridge, outside Blackfriars, WITHIN City [shitty more like] Thameslink and then I spotted my opportunity and RAN at Farawayingdon). Argh, argh, argh, arghhhhhhh! For non-Londoners - this SHOULD take about TEN MINUTES. It... did not. Never again! I think my commuting destiny is going to be tube reliant, unless London ever introduces those handydandy rentabike things so I could cycle from London Bridge to office (provided I ever work up the nerve to try cycling in central London which is a hellhole full of people and cars and people within cars etc etc)...
Aaaand I forgot my office pass today, which means I am reliant on borrowing a card from coworkers whenever I need to MAKE TEA or WEE. These are the two most important functions of my working day! They have complete control over me! IN SOVIET RUSSIA THE COFFEE DRINKS YOU! Um etc.
Must go and play relaxing Farmville. Ah, growing flowers! So pretty! So calming! Aaaah.
(Unfortunately my work differs in opinion from me re: most important functions so I suppose I had best go and pretend I know what I'm doing for a few minutes or so).
This kept me sane on said Crapital Connect: Death at the Bar by Ngaio Marsh, which features a BARRISTER, at a BAR (in the Plume of Feathers PUB). Do you see? Already there are violent tensions between the barrister, the "Coombe Left Club" (YES!) and a lady called Decima. Whee! \o/ So I suppose life can't be all that bad.
Work, then :(