Costco and Graduation

Mar 02, 2009 19:25

A few days ago I went to Costco in Amagasaki. The Costco has only been open a few years and it was my second time going. I went with my neighbors Dan and Christina, because they've got the hookup (a membership card). It's a strange experience going to Costco in Japan (I've never been to one in the States, but it's practically the same as Sam's). The building structure, the size of everything, and most of the products give you the feeling you're in the United States, but then it's filled with Japanese people. One big difference is that the food court is a happening place at Japanese Costco. They sell hot dogs, pizza, and drinks (free refills!). It's dirt cheap and the same type of thing you'd find back home, but you can't even find a seat. At Sam's back home, you'll see one or two families pigging out on popcorn and hotdogs, but most of the seats will be empty. Next, it's Japan, so most of the people are a lot smaller than I'd see at Sam's. I say most, because the percentage of fat people in Costco definitely exceeds the percentage in the general population. You can tell that the buy-in-bulk lifestyle has an effect on waistlines just by viewing the difference. It will probably be affecting mine as well.

What did I bring home?
*Green Tea (200 bags) Yeah, I can get green tea anywhere, but not at the bulk price.
*Tostito's Hint of Lime chips: 2 bags. Mayumi and I love them. So unhealthy...and so good.
*A big tub o' cashews. Probably my most expensive purchase.
*A bigger tub o' pretzels. This thing is just huge. I used it as a chair while I waited at the train station.
*A carton of blueberries. Why don't they sell them at regular grocery stores. WHY WHY WHY?
*Batteries. Boring, I know. But I'd feel bad if I left them off the list just for their lack of thrill.

Sunday I had graduation. I taught this year's graduating class a total of 3 semesters (trimesters, I guess), which is the equivalent of one year. 2 when they were 1st year students (Sophomores) and 1 when they were 3rd year students (Seniors). They were a good class....Fairly serious about their work and smart. The classes were a joy to teach and I'll miss the students. Now I'll only have 1 or 2 more classes from now until the beginning of the next school year (April 8th or so). Time to make more powerpoints!
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