The Bitters: A VDSL! ISBI PT Legacy 1.2

Apr 07, 2012 18:01

Sorry for the long ass delay in between updates, between dealing with the hospital and everything I just haven't had a chance to actually play. However, I bring you 1.2 of this wonderful legacy AND a heir poll at the end. (Because I cheated and got tired of waiting for all the stupid kids to grow up.) Ooops spoiler, they pooped out another kid. D: I was not pleased about that let me tell you. Okay now onto the update!

Spouse by: needlecream
Featuring Sims by: simmericangirl, bondchick-nett, cheatsenabled, lovelyxwow, jessiewings, Kingmike1224
Warnings: 101 images of fun, and lots of me forgetting wtf I was going to say. Also some Flowers in the Attic shit goes down. D':

This weeks challenge. Easy enough to take care of and I can finally start getting rid of all the red crap.

However, before we can start redecorating, the family has to have a meal together. I love that they almost always sit down and eat dinner together, it makes me feel slightly less bad about leaving the other sims to their own devices.

Apollo: Family, I have returned. Come great your provider!
Everytime Apollo comes home from work he strikes this pose, I think I've captured it 1000 times, but I still giggle. It's like he expects to be rewarded for coming home.

The nanny however is NOT pleased with him, and picks on him all the time

Becca gets another promotion. We're that much closer to getting that LTW of Professional Party Guest

This is NOT how you celebrate getting a promotion. I heard the jingle and was a little sad.

However the kids didn't mind, and decided to show off while their parents were sleeping.

Vinegar Condom (simmericangirl)decided to just stop by and read the newspaper.

Becca: Blurh! Blurh!
I have no sympathy for you. I had a hard enough time keeping your pregnant ass alive last time, this time you can deal with it.

Anikin: Mom's puking, I can hear her.

Amidala: I'm pretty sure mom dropped you on your head when you were a child.
She might have. He also might have gotten hit with the refrigerator door a lot as well.

Becca: Maybe I should start learning about how to be a better parent... *worry worry*

Becca: Or maybe not. Instead I'll just pass out at the kitchen table with my head in a plate of grilled cheese.

Amidala: I do not want to eat whatever mom is sleeping in, I'll just cook for myself. (AND she didn't burn it, I was pleased!)

Becca: Apollo, love, you're starting to get a little fat. You should fix that.
Apollo: Well I never!
All she feeds him is grilled cheese ... I'd be getting chubby too!

The nanny agrees. She really hates him. :(

Amidala: *dreams of a better bed*

Promotion! Yay!!

Carson Murphy (cheatsenabled) gets his limber on.

Amidala: I don't understand why I'm not doing well, the other kids do all my homework for me.

Anikin: Better, but not great. I'll need to fix this.

Hello Kind O'Girl (bondchick-nett) thank you for making an appearance. I wish the kids would have liked you better, however some day you will get married into this legacy. Oh yes you will.

Also have the back of Alba Jones' (lovelyxwow)

Becca: Uhh! Excuse me, I'm birthing over here!
Apollo: Maybe if I ignore her she'll stop screaming.
Amidala: Don't look at me I asked for a dog.

Thank god it was only one. I would have lost my shit with twins.

Meet Aldraan, female, with her moms skin and her dads eyes and hair.

Anikin: I promise to walk her and feed her every day!
Becca: She's all yours kid.

Becca: Tell me you still think I'm sexy Apollo.
Apollo: Can you please get off me now.

I'm not sure Anikin can even take care of himself much less his little sister...

Meanwhile in the house...
Apollo: If we're quiet maybe it'll stop crying ...
Becca: Great idea.

Becca: Maybe I'll just paint instead.

Anikin: Yess!
Amidala: I don't get it, I'm cheating off the smart kids! /whine

They brought home Teah Condom (simmericangirl) and smustled for like 5 hours. (Hint: This could be why Amidala is failing so badly...)

Toddler Grow Up Spam Time

Will you


finish pooping!?

I was worried she was gonna end up like Amidala and just hate her parents, but Apollo actually likes talking to her so I'm not that worried anymore.

Dem cheekbones

As there is toddler growing up inside, outside Mark Holmes, my entry for GOS March Sim challenge walked by and looked the opposite of his prompt, which was homely.

More growing up!

Amidala is a fox. Seriously.

A little makeover and LOOK AT THOSE LIPS!

Anikin isn't too bad looking himself.
Anikin: Must paint, must paint now.

Becca: You know what you did wrong.
Apollo: I really don't but I'm gonna pretend that I do so that you keep feeding me.

Becca: That's it, walk away. *glare glare*

Vivi Preen (bondchick_nett) walked on by

Anikin: Something sure stinks...

He really couldn't take care of his sister. So glad her parents kinda started working on that.

Although he is bringing in the money

Hey I thought a tragic clown would work well :( Oh well.

Another promotion for Becca, even after the terrible chance card.

The twins brought home FAQ IDK (kingmike1224) and then ignored her until she went home

And then the family had a very nice dinner.

Aldraan: Are you my father?

Aldraan: It doesn't matter, I'm just gonna kick ass at video games instead.

So intense

Anikin: Someday I'm gonna marry you.
Aldraan: ....
See I warned you, some flowers in the attic shit right here.

Amidala was too busy bustin' her groove thing to worry about her creepy siblings

Although she did stop long enough to kick over the garbage can.
Amidala: Wasn't me!

I took the liberty of aging up Aldraan, manily so I can do a heir poll at the end, but also because I didn't want to drag the first generation on FOR-EV-ER

A bit of a makeover and I think she's beautiful. Her attitude is not however.

Aldraan: That's for saying you were gonna marry me.

Aldraan: And for not having any friends.

Amidala: If I study hard enough, maybe they'll let me be heir.

Uh-oh, another chance card. Let's go with stock this time...

Well that went well. :(

Seriously, Apollo go streak and lets hope this works.

You've gotta be freakin' kidding me.

He wasn't too upset though.

Girl fight! Skut Farcus (jessiewings) just walks by

Becca gets another promotion! That kind of makes up for Apollo's demotion...kinda not really

And that's where I leave you all. Now it's time for an heir poll. I'm not cool enough to be able to leave an actual clicky poll thing in my entry, so if you'll comment with the one you like that would be lovely :)




Torch-Holders(founders/heirs): 1
Perma-Plat Sims: 0
Shrink Visits: 0
Social Bunny Visits: 0
Fires: 2
Self-Wettings: 0
Pass-Outs: 3
Fights: 2
Deaths: 0
Social Worker Visits: 0
Alien Abductions: 0

EDIT: I realized that without the clicky boxes it's not really a poll or anything so I'm gonna pick the next torch holder and then NEXT time I'll figure something better out :3

sims: bitters, sims, heir poll

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