[A] Raiders of Light - Alexstraza US

Feb 15, 2011 09:55

Raiders of Light, a level 15 alliance guild on Alexstraza, is looking for a few more core members for our 10 man raid team. We enjoy long walks around Blackwing Descent, punting gnomes, and occasionally face pulling mobs.

Progression: 3/6 Blackwing Descent

Raid Times: Wed/Sun (we're still trying to find a good third day for all our raiders) from 645pm CST - 10pm CST

Tanks: Warrior, Druid, Paladin
DPS: Druid (Boomkin/Feral), Rogue, Hunter, Shaman (Elemental/Enhancement), Warlock

Loot System: We use /roll and gentlemans rules. If you've already gotten something that night we ask that you pass.

Website: Raiders of Light

What do you expect from your raiders: We expect our raiders to come prepared. With the knowledge of their class, the fights, flasks, gems, enchants the whole 9 yards. We also expect attendance, while we understand that real life happens, we can't push content without raiders. If you're going to miss a raid, we ask that you please let someone know.

You guys sure are looking for a lot of people. Why? Due to real life, we've had several raiders step down and we need to fill the spots that they have left behind.

You guys sound like fun, but I don't want to raid. Can I still join? Of course! We're always looking for general members as well. I'm currently working on getting events set up for the members who aren't able to or interested in raiding.

I'm 12. What is this? Sometimes vent and guild chat get a little dicey. If you're really 12 I'm sorry but this isn't the guild for you.

Can I stick an alt in the guild/lurk vent to see what you guys are like? Of course! I would actually prefer it that way. Server transferring is a huge deal, and if you don't like the server/don't like us I would feel horrible for you to have spent the money to be stuck somewhere.

Anything else I need to know? The guild is amazing. There are several female members, the GM is also a female. (/wave that'd be moi) We work hard and play just as hard. To many of the ROL members, the guild is a second family.

I have a question that wasn't covered here. Where can I contact you? You can contact me in game on Tarrina or Ardain, or you can leave me a note here.
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