soul to seoul

Nov 01, 2005 04:50

i'm in seoul right now. next week i'll be in cambodia. it's still ramadan. i suck at fasting.

putting up a show right before prepping to leave the country is insane and stressful. next time i should allow atleast 2 weeks if not 2 months to pass before doing something like this again.

fasting and rehearsing for a very physical show is not a very good idea. the body knows fatigue. exhaustion catches up at the most unexpected times.
example: passing out 15 minutes before a big client meeting. basically my business partner left me in the car to recover as she went to the meeting by herself thinking throughout the meeting - perhaps i should have called an ambulance for anida.

trust the universe. there is a natural order in chaos.
i believe hurricane wilma brought marlon home for the week in which i needed him most. thanks babe for staying the extra days. i believe i was meant to put up my show exactly at this time. it needed to happen before my 2nd trip to cambodia. it needed to happen just before the full moon. my fainting spell was not due to dehydration which is the usual case. i need sleep. i am no longer invincible and cannot survive on a thousand cups of coffee. the lesson is to let the body sleep and also to allow her fully awaken.

i phucking love my family - both of blood and choice. thanks for coming out and showing such incredible support for my work. i felt like it was a big sharing session rather than a show. i loved feeling like i knew nearly 80% of the audience. it's clear exactly why i do the work i do and who it serves. and for those whom i've rubbed the wong way or have had clashes with - get over it! shit just isn't that deep.

i'll try to post more during these 5 weeks in asia. for now - i have a request -- could folks who saw my show give me some feedback? i don't have a guestbook so livejournal is the next best thing. i'm intersted in what you took away from the show? what kind of feelings did it stir up? what was the most powerful moment(s)? how did the visual, performance and story come together for you? what themes did you discover? and what could be improved?

i'm working on trying to bring the show to L.A. and the Bay and possibly Seattle -- so if you can give me some feedback that would greatly help as i restage the work.

for now - take a look at these pictures by michelle alba. you can find the rest on my flickr site

after the show

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