(no subject)

Nov 23, 2002 12:12

well i ve already had quite a morning/afternoon.. i woke up to the phone ringing and i knew it was amber.. she told me that mr mcdonald had died.. when amber was homeless in the summer her family lived with theire friends warren and sandy and sandy's dad lived with them.. so this morning her dad wasn't feeling well adn they were taking him to the hospital and he died in the car..

im in total shock rite now.. i was over there like everyday! i talked to him.. and i saw him just on halloween and he was fine! and now hes dead.. i just can't believe it.. amber and i are for surely goin to the funeral.. and even though im not pART OF ambers family i still feel like a member of it.. i can talk to her mom aher dad and her sis is as annoying as my sis and amber and i are best friends.. we hold eachother up.. im the comedy relief who makes a fool of herself and amber is the one that goes for the ride and laughs her ass off on the way.. and of course is always there when u need her...

now nic if u do read this i do need u to know that u are still my number 1 and that its good thast i have amber otherwise i woulda committed suicide by now! i luv yas sooo much and i can't wait to see u next time... talkin in ur room foe hours.. tryin to have a serious convo while havin funny lookin faces (facemasks) i miss the old times.. and i look forward to the new.. i luv yas
well dearys i g2g.. and clean and then ya.. bubyes
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