Feb 20, 2003 06:43
well good morning to me.. i slept like shit tonight. kept waking up and dreaming bad things that better never come true. My ass hurts a little and my tummy doesn't yet. But i am bringing my tylenol just and case and not taking my medicne cause i have a feeling that's what is making me have those shitty pains. It's like worse than cramps. I'm gonna try to be chipper for school, eventhough i really don't feel like being.. listening to some bad religion may help.
From first mod- Found out that the noise i heard lastnight was someone hittin my mailbox. that was interesting to wake up and find half the lid of it in the street. Of course I regret gettting up and looking out the window and just left it to my imagination. I don't think anyone hit it with a car cause of the snow pile around it. I am going to pick out the new mail box. The reply letter to scranton for the waitinglist was in there.. and it was a good thing that wasn't put into the street and stuff. I kept in there so i hope it gets there.
Second mod sucked ass.. that project is so retarded and it's making be very sick about school. Me and alisha hate school at this point. it made me realize that so far school has been easy and it's just starting to get tough. I can't quit nor slack off now or i'll die trying.
Thrid mod just worked on my math project in the library. it's pretty facinating doing it on art and archetucutre (sp?) My Building is cinderella castle.
And right now im damn bored doin nothing. yay yay la la can't wait till the weekend.
The big news around school is about this stupid home ec requrement and that they took out that middle pole between the second double doors. I'm happy bout that cause i always run into that.
I'm gonna shut up now.. till later.. *peace*