Dec 01, 2010 10:47
It snowed in London yesterday and temperatures are still below freezing today. It's been a record cold, apparently, with most of the UK getting unexpectant snowfall, and Scotland and bits of the southeast suffering the worst.
It's like... 15cm? and the city is nuts. Trains flopped at the first sign of flurries, a bunch of traffic accidents took place due to the slipperiness of the roads, no streets that I've seen have been salted/swept (and now have wonderfully iced over today), schools were shut down, and they closed Gatwick Airport. There's a lot of official-speak notices & news reports for "adverse weather conditions". For fifteen centimetres. D:
I was thinking-- "what's the big deal?" until I tried to go to work today and found it impossible because all the trains were delayed badly or cancelled outright. So... no work today, and I've been running around in the cold for 2 hours for nothing. :( I think the tube is okay, though, being underground and all, but I'm reading some horror stories from people who took 3+ hours getting home last night and had to walk a few miles in the snow, too.
Anyway, I don't want to give Toronto too much credit, since we all know the overground bits of the TTC routinely fails in winter due to ice, but usually that's in weather colder than -10 degrees or unusually heavy snow, and they have replacement bus services that don't cost extra. And I've never heard of Pearson Airport shutting down for 15cm of snow. People know how to drive carefully and get winter tires, and I don't remember ever getting a proper snow day from school in my life (the closest was when they told us they wouldn't penalise us for not showing up). And I know it gets way worse in the in-between provinces and up north.
So, thanks, Canada, for being a frozen land of misery half of the year. At least you've learned how to deal efficiently with it.