Tutorial #001

Oct 29, 2006 17:41

Ok, here's a brand new tutorial for you to use. It's made for PSP9 but its very transferable(Earlier versions of PSP or PS) This tutorial is also pretty easy to follow. If you have any questions don't be afraid to leave a comment and I'll reply ASAP I'd also love to see what you do with this tutorial.

Go from:

You can start by prepping your base. For this Icon I sharpened the image, then duplicated the layer and set the layer mode to Screen 52%. But you can do what ever you like.

Step One: Select the Flood Fill Tool: Use a light blue colour such as #c2e4f8 Soft Light 50% (preview)
Step Two: Select the Flood Fill tool: This time use a light grey colour, I used: #d2d2d2: Burn 100% (preview)
Step Three: Select the Flood Fill tool: Choose a dark navy blue colour, I used #000138: Exclusion 45%(preview)
Step Four: Layers>>New Adjustment Layer>>Colour Balance:
Midtones: 30,15,0
Shadow: -30,11,25
Highlights: 6,0,-15 (preview)
Step Five: Layers>>New Adjustment Layer>>Hue/Saturation/Lightness: set saturation +26 (preview)
Step Six: Select the Flood Fill tool: Choose a light blue colour that's a little bit darker then the colour used in Step One. I chose #b1cff7: Burn 64%(preview)
Step Seven: Select the Flood Fill tool again, this time use the same colour you used for Step One: #c2e4f8 Soft Light 34%(preview)
Lastly, you can add text, textures and whatever you want =](preview)

Remember, this tutorial completely depends on the picture you use. Different pictures will have different outcomes, you can play around with each of the steps to get the look you want

Other Icons Using This Tutorial:


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