Pink clouds eating giantic giraffe faces

Mar 06, 2006 03:38

Been a while since I've posted. A lot seems to have happened, as I've been rather busy.

My new job is in full swing now. I'm in a position of authority now with tons more responsabilities. My training has kicked off in a big way and I'm putting in a lot of overtime. Since I was working full time and doing a lot of early shifts, I decided to move in with my sister. It was juste asier that way as I can now walk to work in the morning. It's only a half an hour walk and I rather enjoy walking while listening to my ipod. Happy days!

You don't realise how much crap you've got until you have to move it all. I've gotta say I'm sick to death of god damn STAIRS, too. Carrying everything upstairs was a nightmare, but it's great to finally have more room. This is the first time I've lived away from home, allthough it isnt a huge leap because I am living with my sister. Even so... I bought a desk and some shelves. My old desk awas always too small for me in that tiny old room and now that I have a bigger room I decded it was time to expand my work station abilities. I moved out on the Saturday, last Saturday in fact, and bought the shelves and desk on that day. The shelves I took with me right away and the desk was to be devliered on Wednesday.

Naturally summer has decided to come kicking and screaming in full force now that I've moved out away from the air conditioned glory of my previous house. I worked 5.00am to 1.00pm on sat, then moved everything via trailer and car, bought the desk etc. Then I put together the shelves (it took me two hours) and slowly brought everything upstairs.

On Wed the desk arrived but I sure couldn't put it together. I got up to a part involving these sliders for a drawer and keyboard drawer, and was instantly baffled. So I waited until Friday, when my dad came round and helped me put it together. On Friday I worked from 4.00am to 2.00pm, which was a ten hour shift. It was murder and I was very glad to get home. I spent most of the night putting my desk together, which consisted of two sections. My dad did the bottom part and after he left I did the top. I finished it- and it looks 90% fine, but being hopeless at this sort of thing I nearly botched it in a big way, and one part of it is actually on backwards!! But it looks mostly fine, and the backwards bit only affects a cupboard part- and the back sticks out when it should nestle neatly in a proper position. It's stable though, and I'm terrified of botching it even more if I try to fix it. Even so, I might give it a crack next weekend.

Last week I had one day off, then worked 5 days, then another day off. Then this week I worked 5 more days, Mon to Fri. But then I was given the long weekend off (last time I'll have a public holiday off, managers at my work have to work on them) so this weekend has been all about me. My room is starting tot ake shape with the desk and today I went into town and bought some wireless router stuff so I can set the internet up. We have broadband here, but it's downstairs. I seem to have sorted it out, but now my computer acts very shaky when I first load it up. Troublesome. Annoying, too. I can't wait to own a mac.....

I also bought "The Beginning" today. It's a Dr.Who DVD box set containing the first three stories from the show in 1963, including "The Daleks." I am ploughing through it now and it's jolly good stuff, even though the Daleks is 7 episodes. (It should have been three. Ha!) So I ordered a pizza, and now here I am, late at night with a pizza and some pepsi making use of the internet I hooked up, the desk I put together while episode two of "The Daleks" plays in the corner.

Something else happened recently, something quite personal which I won't write about here. It was.. odd. But anyway, I've been so busy I'm past it now.

This week is going to be very full on and crazy. It's 4.00am on Monday, the last of my days off. Then it's four days of chaos and hell- we're being evaluated this week, whilst I continue my training and evalutation. But at the same time I;m being used for "lower" work because we're short of staff. I'm being left to my own devices, because I'm a manager, despite the fact I'm working as a crew person and I still need to assistance of a manager.

But really, this week my own concerns are really quite petty in the scale of things, so I won't get hung up on anything. I just want to get through this evaluation, and then I have the weekend off again. 4 days work, then the weekend off to relax and regroup. The rosters have been VERY kind to me this week- and I am very thankful for it.

I have a remote controlled Dalek. It's ENORMOUS. I don't think I've mentioned this before. I got it for my birthday last year. I have named it "Fluffy." It moves around via remote control and yells things at you. Things like "EX-TER-MIN-ATE!" and "SEEK, LO-CATE, EX-TER-MIN-ATE!"
It was the bane of my pets at mum and dads. I miss them, my two cats and especially my dog Leah. I miss having someone to enthusiastically greet me when I come home. We can't get a pet here because we aren't home often enough really, and it'd be cruel to leave it home alone so much.

I'm sure I'm putting on weight. I need to get back into my diet.. but lately I've been so busy that I grab whatever I can, whenever I can. And this weekend I've been decadent, to relax. Stupid, really, but I felt like it after working my ass off.
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