Apr 24, 2006 09:20
Right now I am at work and I feel hyper. Hopefully, everyone will be in a good mood coming in today and I can keep this feeling going. I hate it when I'm in a really good mood and everyone else comes in feeling all sluggish and everything... sometimes their quiet moods bring me down.
Any who, this week at work is employee apprecistion week and everyday the company has something planned for us.
Monday= employees get a gift
Tuesday= Catered Omelet Breakfast
Wednesday= Cake, Coffee and Smoothies will be served
Thursday= Fifteen minute massages by Infinite Massage Co.
Friday= Ice cream social
So, I'm really excited. I love my job... LOL... Law firms are fun. Well, that's all. Friday is payday, and a group from my work is getting together and going to a restaurant called Sweet Water. I've been there twice and it's really good. The first time I met the surgeon guy from the show, NIP/TUCK... it was pretty sweet.
Oh, and I've also been going to the gym everyday for the past 3 weeks, and have lost 10 pounds so far. It would've been more, but I have yet to change my eating habits too... I have a weakness for chilli dogs as breakfast.. LOL. But at least I'm working out. it's easier when there is a gym on the lower level of where you work. Last Friday I tried the Sauna too, that was sooooo nice.
Well, you guys are officially up-to-date. Talk to you all soon