Things are going so well...
No work yesterday=bonus.
I saw Golaleh yesterday and Pooneh (old highschool friend). It was actually really nice. We went for bubble tea (I had a free one, yessss) then to red robins for dinner with Taran and Rob. Wandered around hadsome laughs. I really like her, so it's all gooood.
Danu is settling in really well. I'm so pleased to have her. When she lived with taran's mom I didn't see her much, since she is shy around many people and also hide from the other cat, Zeus. She has so much personality and is the cuddliest cutie!! YAY!
Much Warhammer has been played/painted. I finished my Thunderers yesterday. So I have finished: 2x16 warriors, 10 thunderers, cannon, goblin hewer, organ gun, and the anvil of DOOOM!! YAY!!! Now all I have left is: 16 longbeards, 16 ironbreakers, 13 rangers, flame cannon, stone thrower, and soon to be another runesmith and thane (cause I needs them). Soon my army will crush all in its path with its shiny new paintjob!!
Yay, I am such a geek!