Nov 24, 2005 11:57
The rest of Tuesday night was amazing. It seemed like it lasted forever. We all played pool/ate ramen and rice in the basement for awhile and for a long time I felt really sad about going home. I have fun with these people. Some kind of weird emotion hit me while we were playing Scrabble and I don't really understand it..but I guess it was just comfort, maybe.
Sharon, David, Tim, and I watched the snow fall and found out that if you lean backwards against the windows the flakes get lit up and it looks like sparks falling from the sky. Alex and Jackie came back and we made hot cocoa and walked around campus and talked. It was just nice that other people were out enjoying it once it started snowing nothing else mattered and everything was closer to perfect.
After that I went back to the lounge where we waged an epic battle with cookies as ammunition. I had planned on staying up all night with everyone but then the conversation quickly turned to not interesting (who could beat who at Magic) and I went to bed around 5:30. I guess that was an excellent decision based on Sharon's announcement yesterday. So...whatever.
Too bad I felt awful once I got home and couldn't go see Matt at my grandparents. I went to sleep at 8:30 and woke up at 4. My sleep schedule is fucked up beyond all recognition.