Oct 30, 2005 10:22
We are so close to finishing The Skulls trilogy. It is fantastic :)
Yesterday was pretty damn awesome most of the time. Tim, Alex, Sharon, and I went halloween costume shopping in Rockford. They convinced me I needed to buy the little boy ninja costume and sword so I could fulfil Operation Wildabeast... So we left the store, I changed into it in the car. The legs went a little past my knees and looked kind of ridiculous. We wanted Beefaroo so they made me wear it inside there while we ate. Came back here, got in a sword fight with Leo, accidently hit him. Sorry Leo.
Then we went to Tom and Jerry's since David was working and I wore the costume. We improved it slightly so my legs were completely covered. I was supposed to just run in and hit him but Makie saw us all get out of the car anyway. I don't know if he was happy we were there or not, but I think he had to be slightly amused.
We tried to play Chinese firedrill but we missed all the lights.
Went to see Voodoo Barbie-it was really funny. Then we went to the Haunted House, went back to 609, talked to David about how we all love and miss him, and then a bunch of us went to Steak and Shake to get Katie a milkshake.
Yes. I went to THREE restaurants yesterday.