(no subject)

Jul 09, 2008 08:04

i really like making new friends
when i think it's worth the time and effort
to be there for them.
other than that i don't try or worry about it.

i'm going to make the rest of the trip
miserable for my brother
because he got his period at one am
and wouldn't leave me alone.
when it comes to making people miserable
i'm decent when i get pushed far enough.
i take things too far
and can't let things go
but as my brother he should know better
than to poke the bear.
this is how you learn not to make the same mistakes twice.
i can't wait to get home.

going to blockbusters alot.
i'm going to buy a second movie from them
because the prices are even better than my job's
even with my discount.
got the darjeeling limited
which is visually stunning
and pretty good.
next will be a zombie movie
called dead and deader.
i've never seen either
but i just like taking chances
on movies that seen worth it.
i've been taking pics of movies that seem good
so i remember them.
some woman asked me for help picking out a movie
because of how i was talking to my dad
about the movies we we're thinking about.
i got the woman to rent definately, maybe.
we got charlie bartlet.
my dad will not like it and
i don't think it will be as funny without bon and char
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