Melts in Your Mouth (Supernatural RPS - Jared/Jensen)

Mar 11, 2006 21:01

Title: Melts in Your Mouth
Author: moosesal
Rating: NC-17
Fandom/Pairing(s): Supernatural RPS - Jared Padalecki/Jensen Ackles
Word count: 4700
Warnings: Slash, nothing in particular need of warning
Disclaimer: I don't know these guys. This is purely fiction and fantasy.
A/N or Summary: Many thanks to winterlive for looking at early drafts and giving me feedback. Remaining errors are mine.

My lyric from "Miracle Drug" is:
Beneath the noise, below the din
I hear a voice, it’s whispering

Jensen was supposed to be learning his lines, but his thoughts kept drifting to Jared and the looks he’d been giving him lately.


Jensen shook his head and focused back on the present only to find Jared standing right in front of him with one of those looks he’d just been pondering--a sexy, no, make that evil, smirk. “I heard about your upcoming love scene. You wondering if you can get a little off screen action, too?”

Jensen swallowed and resisted the urge to shift in his seat to relieve a little pressure. “Um...”

Jared laughed. “I’ll take that as a yes.”

“Your mind’s always in the gutter.”

“Like you wouldn’t believe.” He waggled his eyebrows.

Fuck. “Try me.” And where did that challenge come from?

Jensen was mentally cursing himself so thoroughly that he nearly missed Jared’s nod and reply of “Maybe I will.” Then he was gone and Jensen sat there wondering what the hell had just happened.

Lately, he found himself looking at Jared during a scene and thinking that maybe he was looking back. Jensen was just waiting for someone to comment about it, because when he watched the final cuts he sure thought they looked like they were interested in more than a little brotherly love. In fact, he was surprised no one had remarked that they needed to tone it down, that he wasn’t supposed to have “chemistry” with his brother.

But he swore they did -- have chemistry, that is -- because they’d be in the middle of some tense scene, just looking at each other and Jensen’s stomach would drop and he’d have to look away, even if it meant having to shoot the scene all over again. It just got to be too much, too intense, and he worried that if he didn’t break the connection, he’d find himself leaning in for a kiss. And while the writers might not be hampering the tension between them, Jensen was pretty sure a tongue kiss between two brothers wasn’t what the WB had in mind for their newest hit series.

So Jensen said a silent prayer as he went back to his script. Not only was there a girl in this episode, but he’d be sleeping with her. The timing couldn’t be better. He needed some distance from Jared. Hell, Dean needed the distance from Sam. Because the way the writers were going, he was starting to worry that he’d soon be getting hate mail from Christian conservatives about incest and homosexuality and mortal sin.

But this week he was safe.

On screen, anyway.

Jared’s little “Try me” comment on top of everything else had Jensen thinking that maybe it wasn’t all in his head. Maybe Jared was having the same inappropriate thoughts about him as he was having about Jared. Thoughts about dropping to his knees, running his hands up the inside of his thighs, and mouthing his cock through his jeans. And maybe a little bit more.

While the crew worked on changes to the set, Jensen sat in his chair picking through a bag of M&Ms. He was pulling out all the purple ones and pitching them into a trash can about six feet away from him. Two points. He was six for six.

“What on earth are you doing?” Jared leaned over his shoulder, his face a cross between confused and amused.

“Can’t eat the purple ones. They’re not natural.”

“Natural?” Jared choked back a laugh as he moved around Jensen until he was standing between his knees. “Oh, but the green ones are?”

Jensen rolled his eyes and started to toss another M&M, but Jared leaned in and put his mouth over his fingers. “Mmm.” Jensen felt heat rise in his cheeks when he wasn’t sure which one of them had made that subconscious moan of satisfaction. He suspected it might have been both of them.

Jared, of course, came away with the M&M in his mouth when Jensen freaked out and jerked his hand away.

“Tastes good to me.” Jared smiled, his eyes clear and friendly. “No less ... natural than any other color.”

Jensen wiped his hand on his pants and mumbled, “Keep your spit to yourself.”

Jared pouted and slapped his hands over his heart as he spoke in a high-pitched girly voice, “You don’t wanna swap spit with me, Mr. Ackles? But,” deep breath, “But I’d do anything for a kiss from someone as beautiful and talented as you.”

Jensen pitched another M&M and beamed him right between the eyes. “Sorry, I don’t date fans.” He smiled big. “You just run along now, little miss.” Jared laughed and punched him on the arm and reached a finger toward the candy bag, but Jensen pulled it away and raised his eyebrows. “If I’m not going to date you or kiss you, I’m sure as hell not sharing my candy with you.”

Jared, however, didn’t seem to believe that. He leaned across Jensen, following his outstretched arm, pressing close, and when Jensen pulled his arm back further, Jared pursued. Then they toppled backwards and Jensen’s head smacked the floor. The last thing he remembered was the press of Jared’s chest across his own and a warm, clean neck against his face.

When he next awoke, it was to the sound of beeping machines and bustling in the halls, and beneath it all there was a familiar voice whispering beside him. “Sorry, Jen. Jesus. So sorry.” A hand held his own -- firm, but not too tight. “If anything happened.... Come on, man. Wake up.”

He squeezed the hand slightly and opened his eyes to see Jared perched on the edge of his bed. “H-hey.” His mouth was dry, his voice raspy. Jared immediately leaned forward, looking at him like he couldn’t believe what he was seeing.


He sighed deeply and squeezed Jared’s hand again as he attempted a smile. His head was throbbing and his stomach was not happy, but otherwise he felt okay. Just your run-of-the-mill concussion. Not his first. Probably not his last either.

“I should get the nurse.”

But there was no need, because no sooner had Jared dropped his hand and turned to the door than a nurse popped her head in to say, “Ten minutes. Visiting hours are almost over.”

“He’s awake.” She stopped and looked past Jared; Jensen gave a little wave.

“I’ll get the doctor.” She left and Jared returned to Jensen’s side.

“How long was I out?”

“A couple hours. They said you woke up in the ambulance then passed out again. But they said you’ll be alright.”

Jensen nodded. “You been here the whole time?”

Jared blushed. “Yeah.”

And then the doctor was slipping past Jared to check Jensen’s pupils and ask him questions like who the prime minister was and Jensen looked at her blankly and said, “Prime minister?”

She laughed at his accent and said, “How about U.S. president then?”

He said “Hillary Clinton” to get a laugh out of her and Jared, but after that answered everything correctly. She said they’d keep him overnight for observation but he’d be fine to leave in the morning. Then she gave Jared an extra ten minutes to say goodnight and left them alone.

They just stared at each other for a few minutes before Jared scuffed his toe against the floor and said, “Guess I should get goin’.”


Jared looked up at Jensen and said, “I’m really sorry.”

“That’ll teach you to mess with a man’s M&Ms.”

“Yeah.” Jared grabbed his jacket off the chair he’d been sitting in and looked up at Jensen. “Night Jensen.”

“See ya.”

“Yeah,” Jared said. “Tomorrow. See ya tomorrow.” His gaze was strong and Jensen was uncertain what it meant, but he nodded and Jared slipped out.

Jensen didn’t really sleep that night, between the hours he’d already been unconscious and the nurse coming in every hour to check on him. Instead he thought about Jared. In that, his night wasn’t much different from so many others in the weeks before. He’d woken up more than once, face down in his pillow with his hips in a sticky wet spot and a clear image of Jared in his mind.

Now he lay in his hospital bed wondering where this was coming from. He’d never fantasized about guys before Jared. Never looked twice at them except maybe to compare himself -- Were his abs that defined? What was it about this guy that got that girls attention? That kind of stuff. He hadn’t looked and thought, Nice hands. What would they feel like against my skin?

Before Jared, he’d never been so comfortable around another guy or had a guy be so comfortable around him. They’d become thick as thieves before they’d spent any real time together. It just happened. And it was good. But it wasn’t supposed to be good like that. They were friends, colleagues. He’d been mortified to think what Jared might think if he knew about Jensen’s dreams. Now he didn’t know what to think. He thought Jared had been flirting. He’d come to see him and held his hand. And Jensen wondered if Jared had been there because he cared and not just because he was worried Jensen was mad about getting hurt.

He breathed deep and it was like he could still smell Jared -- clean, like soap. Still feel his hand in his. Still feel him pressed to his chest, arm reaching out alongside his own for a stupid bag of candy. Still hear him teasing him about the purple M&Ms and getting to sleep with the female guest star of the week. He couldn’t help the smile that crept to his lips. And he couldn’t help the fear that caused him to push it away.

He closed his eyes and tried counting sheep. Then demons. Then smiling faces with dimples and messy hair.

Jensen checked out of the hospital in the morning with little fanfare . The doctor looked him over, pronounced him fit as a fiddle, and signed him out. He changed into his street clothes and figured he’d get a cab home before heading to the set for the day. But when he stepped out of his room he froze.

Jared was leaning against the wall across from his room, one leg bent with his foot planted on the wall. “Need a lift?” Jared smiled and shook his hair out of his face.

Jensen wondered how long it would be before his stomach stopped doing flip-flops from shit like that. “Uh, yeah. Sure.”

They headed for the elevators. “I really am sorry.”

“Hey man, it was an accident. No big.”

Jared snorted. “I sent you to the hospital and you say ‘no big ’? ”

“Yeah, well...” Jensen shrugged. “Shit happens, man.”


They stared at each other and fidgeted a little and then finally Jensen broke the space between them and hugged Jared, slapping him on the back and muttering, “It’s cool, man. Just don’t do it again.”

Jared laughed and said, “I’ll do my best.”

Something about it was so sincere and Jensen, for once, had no comeback. The elevator ride and walk to Jared’s truck went by in silence, as did the ride home.

It was a cool, crisp morning; the sun was trying to peek out from behind thick, white clouds as Jensen stared out the window thinking about what a beautiful day it was going to be. A great day to be outside rather than in a studio. Rather than staring in Sam’s eyes and trying not to look like he wanted to fuck his brother.

He wasn’t sure how long they’d been sitting in front of his place, but he thought maybe he sighed and then Jared was touching him and asking, “Is something wrong, Jen?”

He shook himself awake and looked over, forcing a smile. “Nah, man. Just tired. Didn’t sleep so good, what with them waking me up every hour.”

“Right.” Jared didn’t look convinced though and Jensen just wanted out of the truck and inside where he was safe with his feelings.

He needed to pull himself together before work. He kept flashing on the image of Jared next to his bed, holding his hand, whispering an apology. He mumbled, “I’ll see you on set,” as he reached for the door handle.

But Jared’s hand on his arm stopped him. He looked up and they locked gazes for a minute and then Jared was moving closer and Jensen’s eyes widened just as Jared’s hand came up to hold the back of his head as their lips met. “I’m sorry,” was muttered against his lips. “If anything happened...”

They were kissing. Strong, wet lips against his own, tongue pushing through. Jensen let go of the door handle and gripped Jared’s bicep. He gave back as good as he got until they both finally pulled away gasping for breath.

“Shit,” Jared whispered, his eyes wide with arousal and surprise, even though he’d made the first move.

Jensen swallowed and loosened his grip on Jared’s arm, letting his hand fall. “I should--,” he jerked his thumb towards his building.

“Y-yeah,” Jared nodded.

“See you in a bit.”


Then Jensen was reluctantly slipping out of the truck and refusing to turn around. He could feel Jared’s eyes burning a hole in his back.

They’d shot their scenes like nothing had happened. Between his love scene and everyone asking if he was okay, Jensen had had no time alone with Jared all day. But now that they were done for the day, Jensen squared his shoulders and headed to Jared’s trailer.

“Jared?” he asked as he stepped inside and glanced around.

“Hey.” He emerged from the back room, wearing nothing but a pair of jeans--his chest and feet bare.

Jensen swallowed and looked away, trying to find anything to focus on other than Jared’s inviting flesh. Of course, even when he looked at the floor all he could see in his mind was a long, lean body that he wanted to touch. “Uh... I can come back in a few minutes. Let you finish getting dressed.”

“I’m good.” Jared walked up to him and stepped into his space. “Jensen?”

And there he was with his stomach falling to the floor again. He swallowed and thought about his granny to will away the rapidly growing problem in his pants. “Y-y-yeah?”

Jared’s hand cupped Jensen’s jaw and turned his head up to face him. He looked into Jensen’s eyes and they just stood there staring at each other for a long moment. Jensen was vaguely aware of Jared’s thumb slowly caressing his cheek and then Jared’s head tilting down to kiss him. It was slow and soft for all of two seconds and then Jensen pressed into it and opened his mouth enough to accept Jared’s tongue.

His hands came up to rest on Jared’s waist, just above the edge of his pants. His skin was warm and soft and Jensen couldn’t resist sliding his hands up his sides, feather light. Jared jerked and broke the kiss, gasping for air and muttering apologies and something about being ticklish so Jensen pressed harder, stepping into him again as he reached up to pull his mouth back to his own.

It was like a tug-of-war, pushing and pulling at each other. Then he was being led to the couch and he gave up and went with it. Mouths exploring lips, jaw, neck, collarbone. Jared’s skin was hot and lightly flushed. He sat back on the couch and pulled Jensen down on top of him, somehow tipping them onto their sides without knocking them to the floor. Then Jared was nipping at his jaw and he stopped trying to figure out how they’d gotten there and gave himself up to sensation.

He felt Jared’s cock against his hip and a hand on his ass pulling him closer. Jared rolled them so he was on top. As he slid down Jensen’s body, he pushed his shirt up and pressed open-mouthed kisses to his chest, stopping to suck lightly at his nipples then sliding down to bite gently at his stomach. Jensen arched into the touches, his hands squeezing Jared’s shoulders as he waffled between urging him lower and holding him in place.

When Jared palmed Jensen through his jeans, he forced his thoughts back to his granny in an effort to avoid ending things prematurely. Then Jared looked up through his lashes as he squeezed and Jensen’s granny went out the window. He felt his cock twitch and he groaned. He shut his eyes and repeated don’t come, don’t come, don’t come over and over in his head. It wasn’t working.

“Jen ... look at me.”

He opened his eyes and Jared lowered his head and pressed his open mouth to Jensen’s cock. He could feel moist heat through the denim and when Jared bit him he arched into it and shuddered as his body stiffened and he came in his pants for the first time since high school.

“Fuck,” Jensen muttered. “Sorry.”

Jared slid up his body and kissed him thoroughly, thrusting his cock against Jensen’s hip a few times before pulling back and saying, “Nothing to be sorry for.”

“Do you ... I mean...” Jensen slid a hand down between them to Jared’s waistband and he lifted enough to let a hand slide between jeans and boxers. “You want--”

Jensen’s words were cut off with another searing kiss and Jared pumped his cock into Jensen’s hand. Then Jared was gasping and shaking, his forehead pressed to Jensen’s, his gaze piercing, and then his boxers were warm and wet against the inside of Jensen’s wrist.

Jensen shifted over, making space for Jared to collapse beside him. They were facing each other, legs entwined. When his breathing slowed back to normal, Jared smiled and said, “Haven’t done that in years.”

“Yeah, can’t remember the last time I came in my pants.”

Jared laughed and said, “I meant the guy thing. Although it’s been a while since the other, too.”


“You haven’t?”

“Uh ... no.” Jensen couldn’t help the nervous laughter bubbling up. “I didn’t--”

“Come here for that?”

“No. I guess ... I guess I did. I meant I didn’t ...”


“Think that you wanted--”


Jensen swallowed and nodded once.

“Yeah, well ... I didn’t think you were interested. Shit, I’ve been sending you signals for months and you just seemed so fuckin’ clueless.”


“Oh come on, you’ve seen the dailies. Don’t tell me you haven’t noticed the Sam/Dean vibe. It’s not all in the script.”

Jensen closed his eyes and groaned. “You couldn’t send me some signals off camera?”

Jared laughed, “Dude, I was practically in your lap to get those M&Ms yesterday.”

“You call that flirting? Look where it got us.”

Jared looked down at their bodies and grinned. “Yeah, just look.” He leaned in for another kiss then pulled back to ask, “You got any more?”



“Why?” He’d just suffered a concussion. He wasn’t sure he wanted to know what Jared might do.

“Cause I thought it might be nice to have something melt in my mouth, not in my hands.” He raised an eyebrow and grinned.

Jensen groaned at the bad joke even as his cock twitched at the thought of Jared’s mouth on him.

“And I thought maybe we could take this to my place so we can do this again. Without the pants.”

Jensen shoved Jared off the couch and stepped over him.

“Hey! Where you going?”

Jensen looked back to see Jared’s pout. He jerked his head toward the door, “To grab a bag of M&Ms. Meet you at your truck.”

They ended up taking separate cars, Jensen following Jared like he hadn’t been to his place a hundred times in the last several months. As he thought about what they were about to do he nearly turned off for his own home three times. This was all happening so fast. That Jared really had been flirting with him for months was something he wasn’t prepared for. But his kiss, his touch, had been ... he didn’t know how to explain it. It just felt right.

Before he knew it, he was parking next to Jared’s truck and getting out of his car. Jared smiled at him and he felt himself blushing but he steeled himself and followed him inside. He could do this. Hell, he wanted to do this.

Jared flipped on lights as he moved through the house, kicking off his shoes, dropping his jacket on the back of a kitchen chair. Jensen copied him as they went.

“You want a beer?” Jared offered.

Jensen wondered if a few drinks wouldn’t make this a whole hell of a lot easier. But if he was doing this, he wanted to really do it. Nothing in the way.

He shook his head. “Water?”

“Sure.” Jared grabbed them each a bottle from the fridge.

He leaned against the counter and sipped his, watching Jared tip his head back and guzzle half the bottle in one go. He watched his throat working and moved forward, reaching out to touch. His fingers grazed Jared’s Adam’s apple before he leaned in to follow with his mouth. Jared’s gasp made him bolder and he reached up to pull their mouths together. The kiss was slow and easy. There was no rush. Jared let him take the lead and he thanked him for that by skimming his fingertips up and down his chest and back.

He hesitated when his hands slipped down to the small of Jared’s back. What would he think if Jensen touched his ass? Was that too forward? He laughed against Jared’s mouth and pulled away, dropping his forehead to his shoulder.

Too forward? He realized they’d pretty much passed that point back in the trailer.

“Hey.” Jared tipped his head up to face him. “You okay with this?”

“Yeah. No.” He shook his head and pulled away, reaching for his water. “I don’t know.” He leaned over the counter, bracing on his elbows, back to Jared. “I just...”

“If you don’t want--”

“I want. I just... I don’t know what I’m doing.” He turned quickly and gestured at Jared. “You’re the one who’s done this before. Not me.”

Jared didn’t seem to know how to respond to that. He shrugged and pulled himself up on the opposite counter. “It’s not like I do this all the time, Jen. Just a few fumblings when I was younger. Messed around with a few guys over the years.”

“Well that’s more ‘n me. I never even kissed a guy before. I don’t know if I’m doin’ it right, or--”

“You were doin’ just fine. I think the evidence of that’s in my pants.” He smirked, but Jensen wasn’t really looking. “We can do whatever you want. Anything. Nothing. Your call.”

Jensen nodded.

“We could watch a movie or something.”

He jerked his head up like he’d just been insulted. “I didn’t come here to watch a movie. I came for--”

“For what?”

“For ... for you, alright?” He spit it out before he could take it back.

“Alright.” Jared nodded. “Then when you’re ready, come and get me. I’m going to bed.” And he was gone.

Jensen sat there watching the clock on the microwave mark the passing minutes. One. Two. Five. Eight. Ten. He took a deep breath, slid off the counter, and headed for the bedroom.

Jared was in a pair of flannel pants, stretched out on the bed, flipping channels on the television. “Anything good on?”

“Nah.” He stopped on an infomercial for some magic slicing device and rolled onto his side.

Jensen stood in the doorway, studying the play of shadow’s from the TV on Jared’s skin. It was like earlier, in the trailer. That expanse of smooth muscles drew him closer until he was sliding onto the bed alongside Jared.

“Whatever you want,” Jared said, looking him in the eye.

“Show me?” he asked. “Show me what you like. Tell me.”

“Take off your shirt.”

He pulled his shirt over his head and Jared pulled him in so they were chest to chest on their sides. He let his hands roam over the muscles of Jen’s back, chest, and stomach. His fingertips teased along the waistband of his jeans, dipping just under the edge then out again.

As his own body was mapped out by Jared’s hands, Jensen felt his pulse quicken, heat spreading through him. He couldn’t resist reaching out and doing some exploring of his own. Jared was wonderfully responsive, arching into every touch, his breath catching when a fingernail grazed his nipple.

Jared brought their mouths together and Jensen was lost--touching, tasting, sharing his breath. Jared rolled them and moved down to suck at his neck and shoulders, then down to his nipples. He couldn’t help bringing his hands up to hold Jared’s mouth in place as he let himself enjoy.

He could feel Jared, hard against his thigh. His own cock was growing steadily uncomfortable in his jeans. He nudged Jared, pushing him up. Jared made to move away but he stopped him. “Just need--” He reached for his jeans and Jared grinned when he opened his pants and sighed in relief.

“You wanna--” Jared blushed and Jensen was glad to know he wasn’t the only one here who was nervous. “Wanna take ‘em off?”

Rapid nod and they were both laughing. “Yours too.” Jared helped Jensen before slipping out of his own pants and then he was on him again.

Jared nudged his legs apart and lowered himself between them, bringing their bodies together at hips, stomach, lips. Jensen felt akward at first, like he was somehow the “girl” in the scenario, Jared cradled between his thighs. But the press of weight against his chest, the thrust against his hips, the strength of his kiss, overcame any worries or hesitation.

Jensen let his hands explore the muscles of Jared’s back and hips, and this time he didn’t hesitate when he reached the top of his ass. Instead, he squeezed and pulled him hard against him while pushing up with his own hips.

The feel of Jared’s cock against his own was overwhelming. When Jared started to lift up, he pulled him back down and whispered, “Like this. Can we ... can we just...” He twisted his hips up, pumping against the press of Jared’s body above him. “Stay like this.”

Jared answered by moving with him and thrusting his tongue in and out Jensen’s mouth as he moved. Jensen grabbed his ass and held him tight as he pushed up once, twice, and then exploded between them. “Jesus,” Jared whispered as his own climax hit moments later.

They lay quiet and still for a moment, catching their breath, collecting their thoughts. Jared kissed Jensen softly as he shifted his weight to the side, tugging Jen’s hip to keep their bodies entwined. When Jensen finally got the nerve to look at Jared’s face again, he found a soft smile and concerned eyes.

“You okay?”

Jensen snorted. “Yeah. Maybe a little embarrassed at how fast I keep going off, but...”

“Nothing wrong with fast to take the edge off. Gives us a chance to stretch the next one out.”

“The next one, huh?” He could definitely do this again.

“Yeah. I still want to taste you.”

Jensen felt a rush of heat in his belly and pressed his mouth to Jared’s. “Wanna taste you too.” He was halfway there already.

“I don’t know,” Jared teased. “You might not like it. I’ve been told it’s an awful lot like purple M&Ms.”

Jensen shoved him and fell back with a laugh. “You’re such an ass.”

“Yeah, wait till you're inside this ass. I think you’ll like it.” And halfway there was suddenly all the way there, hard as rock, ready to go, but Jared was leaning over the bed digging through his jeans and asking “What’d you do with those M&Ms anyway?”

“Forget the M&Ms, Jared. I’m all ready to melt in your mouth.”

The End
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