Feb 01, 2008 19:20
I am not going to get into what has been going on with me for the past month, because it would take too long, but i had a panic attack last night and one at work today, i actually left work and came home it was so bad. to top everything off, i have to get my own insurance(my company is giving me a monthly amount to put towards it.) but i was informed of this last week and i am still waiting for my approval. all i want to do is go back to the doctor and figure out why i am so fucking depressed and why i am having so many panic attacks! i seem to be having more anxious feelings at work. but i tend to make myself busy and it eventually goes away. when i got home i was exhausted from the attack and rested a bit, and now i feel fine. i think i am gonna take a clamazapam sunday morning and see if that helps me at work. i seriously think i need some kind of temporary, anti depressant and anxiety pill.