Awake now....

Dec 17, 2006 08:17

i love waking up to excruciating pain....Nothing some tylenol 3 won't fix...
i need to go to the dentist!
Friday night i went to Twoies and played Cranium with lots of folks. We wont talk about the porno video...
Last night i hung out with Amanda Pants... we went to Cafe Brazil..then went across the street to Hold Fast. i have been wanting to get some new earrings from there. My ears are now at a 10 gauge. For me, that's a big deal, since i have never streched my ears before. My new earrings rock!
Tonight, My works Xmas party i am bringing the lovey Kristin as my date! :)
I might show up at the Crotch later...
DETa out
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