
Nov 07, 2006 14:43

I am finally getting to post about my amazing trip to California to see Dayna.
I had to get up at 330am to catch a flight to Houston, then from Houston to Cali.I fly for free since my mom works for Continental. The down fall, i have to ride stand by. There were 7 people waiting for the flight and it was booked. i was getting worried i was gonna have to wait for the next flight which wasn't gonna be there for another 2 hours. There were 7 people on stand by, luckly for me it goes by senority and i was the first on the list. That was a great thing, cuz i was the ONLY one to get on the plane. yay! I arrived at California round 11ish. After waiting for a while at the baggage claim, i was informed that my luggage was on the next flight in, so with time on our hands Dayna took me to the beach! It was wonderful! we played in the water for a while, then returned to the airport to get my bags. Dayna had made plans for us, and she surprised me with a day at disneyland!!!! Yay. we got there around 3ish and i got to meet alex, who is a super guy! thanks for everything you rock!! we went on the pirates of Caribbean,
the nightmare before xmas

of course each line was like 30 mins long..i had time to take some fun pix of the two of us.

next we high tailed it to space mountian

that had to be my favorite ride! loved it!
after that, it was getting dark so i did a little shopping around and took some more pix.

then i saw california in candy corn! how cool is this?

we walked around

for a while. i was amazed at all of the birds of paradise everywhere in california. If you know me, then you know i love birds of paradise!

we stopped by to say hi to the lego man

then stopped by the HOuse of Blues to say thanks to alex again, who also got us into the KMFDM/Combichrist show the next night!

as i was walking back out to the car, i saw this skeleton on the back of a bike and i had to get a pix

after disneyland, we went to the juke joint and i met the wonderful miss franky! she was soooo cute and sweet! i wish we could have hung out more. you are a sweet girl honey!
we got home and i passed the fuck out! lol
the next day we woke up and took our time doin some shopping and just spending quality deta and dayna time together. i love you dayna! and the twix too!!!
later that night we went to the show and i got to meet tracy! wow! what a fabulous women and her man! we had vip seats but finally a had to get my groove on, so tracy and her man went down and shook our booties! it was tons of fun.
after the show we went to alex's and watched Labyrinth. then we went home and passed out.
Wed was more of a great lazy day. we went to electric chair, were i met joell. i have to say..i love this girl..we got along soooo well!!!!

we went to go eat on the pier at Rubys and had this

and this is what happens when you get crazy girls togher..

on the way back to the car we took some pix...this by far struck me as wierd, why cant you just put Parking Garage?

and mor pix for your pleasure

we went back to the house and chilled for the rest of the night. i sooo didnt want to leave in the morning. but unfortunetly 6am came too soon and we got up and i went to the airport. i had to be there early once again because of the stand by status. i wasnt as lucky this time. after not getting on the first flight, and being asked to get off the 2nd flight, (due to wieght restirctions..all of the stand by had to get off!)
i finally got on the 3rd flight to houston. 5 hours later, we landed in austin due to bad weather in houston. i was sooo ready to just be home. so i got off that flight and took another flight straight home to dallas.i got home round 9pm. for sitting on your ass all day ,flying sure does wear you out! i had tons of fun and i cant wait to go back!
deta out
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