(cross posted from the Kaos board)
No, I really don't care to get into a voters pissing match (as much fun as that would be) but you know what they say, the problem with Democracy is the voters. Or rather, the problem with democracy is the dumb ass voters that vote for a party "because mum and dad always voted for them" or because one of the parties promises to bring back Snifters.
If you don't know what the Legalise Cannabis party stand for, then look here:
http://www.voteme.co.nz/home.seam;jsessionid=20AC482E0174470F6138D1A321FC0C08?conversationPropagation=end&cid=918725&actionMethod=partyView.xhtml%3AviewCandidate.reset Oh, and there are lots of other party policies on there too. You know, if your interested in that kinda stuff...