Title: There He Goes: Part 7
Pairing: Adam/Tommy
scorpio_15Rating: NC-17 overall
Word Count: ~4,300
Disclaimer: This is a work of fiction. I own nothing. None of this happened.
Warnings: sexytimes, language
Betas: A thousand thank yous to my amazing betas:
jobhead, and @Sewardlicious
Author’s Note: Hello lovely readers! So I know this story is taking a long time to develop and post, but I hope you'll find that it's worth the wait :) I also hope this part makes up for any lack of sexytimes this far ;) xoxo
Summary: It’s 2014. Adam is a success, a world famous star whose hit album “Trespassing” and sold out international tour catapulted him into household name status. He should be thrilled; he’s achieved everything he set out to accomplish, but there’s one thing missing: his husband. The man he fell in love with while on tour, the man he married, the man he planned to raise a child with, is dead. Now, six months after Jacob’s death, Adam is a father thanks to his surrogate, Danielle, and he loves his son very much. But he is still grieving and lonely. On a chilly afternoon in New York, he meets a self-indulgent, impulsive yet tenderhearted man who is ready for a life change. Sparks fly, but in a way that neither of them could ever have predicted.
Masterlist There He Goes: Part 7