(no subject)

Jan 10, 2011 04:32

Holy hell, have I really not posted a thing in here since September? I think that's a new record of inactivity or something; I'd blame Plurk, but I'm not even sure if I still would have had anything worth mentioning.

At any rate, I guess I should resolve to use this thing more... Let's see how long that lasts, I guess. I have this mindset that I should only post when I have a substantial amount of whatever going on my life that warrants a lengthy post, but frankly I never have a lot of that going on (nothing new, really). Still, my mind usually goes a million miles a minute, but organizing your thoughts... It's kind of silly to say, but putting them in an understandable way is harder than it sounds. I think that's why I've sort of fallen into silence when it comes to this LJ; I used to be able to wordvomit anything at the drop of a hat, and steadily over the years it became more difficult to do that.

But I digress.

It's 4am and I should be cleaning the last bits of the upstairs for more family coming over tomorrow. I severely doubt this will happen, but I'm hoping it won't be nearly as suffocating as when my other aunt was here a few months prior; it's really, really annoying when you get griped at about things that are normal in our home. Again, digressing; my other aunt is considerably more chill. That aside, the house is in constant disarray, and has been for a while now because mom still can't do anything.

I'll leave it at that, though, since I don't want to dwell on it too much right now. It's depressing to think about it, and this late into the morning I'm more prone to falling into negative thoughts. ... It being this late also means I don't want to clean anymore, but if I don't chances are dad will get even more annoyed later. Uhg.

Well this post turned into a whole lot of whatever who cares babble, soooo I should probably go back to doing what I should. Not dead yet though, promise, and I'll try to think of... something to post about in the future.

Peace out.
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