whine whine whine.

Apr 25, 2010 20:05

Job interviews suck. It doesn't matter how much I recite stuff in my head, I always manage to fumble and screw up what I want to say or just MISS SOMETHING ENTIRELY when I'm actually being interviewed and screw up my chances entirely. Why can't I just go "omg guys I promise you I am so qualified for this job can you just hire me right now please" and it work.

Afterward, as I was sitting in my car attempting to refrain from banging my head against the driving wheel for a good ten minutes, I got to witness the hilarity that was watching someone trying to park their hugeass SUV into this tiny little parking spot. Not only did they drive their car right into the one to the left of it, but then they backed up, tried to get back in, scraped the side of their bumper against the side of the car to the right (it... was a very, very nice expensive looking sports car, too), and then sat there for a good minute or so with a very ohshit expression on their face. For a moment I thought she was actually going to be stupid enough to park there anyway, but eventually she backed up to cheez it. But not without driving right into a tree, first. The entire scene was pretty hilarious (and some other lady eating outside whipped out her cell phone and started taking pictures of the whole thing).

I will never understand why people have the need to buy unnecessarily huge SUVs or trucks, but eh. Whatever, their problem if they wanna crash into stuff.

So, back to whining-- my mouth has been incredibly sore for DAYS. I was hoping it was just a kanker sore or something, but no matter how much I feel back there, I can't feel any kind of cut or whatever. It's just that gum area behind my molar, so now I'm kind of wigging out, especially after "lol hay maybe it's your wisdom teeth" was brought up. I HOPE TO GOD THAT IS NOT IT. Otherwise I'll... I don't know, cry a lot, goddamn. Either way it hurts to open my mouth or eat or even swallow, so this better go away soon. :|

I had one last thing to complain about, but it just got resolved! Hooray! Now I can spare all of you one last paragraph. Now if you'll excuse me, I must finish getting myself fat on cookies.
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