There's Always A Sale Going Down At That Custy Place.

Jul 31, 2008 00:57

Today, I saw a sign by That Party Place that had been altered, so that it read "That Custy Place".  Underneath, the little pre-fab card that said "SALE!" in a very happy-looking font had been left to keep on smiling at the cruel cruel world.  There would be photographical evidence.  See first post.

In other news.  I am immensely excited for our Hamlet, which will surely be beyond epic.  I love me some act two scene two baby.

Now, we shall discuss houseguests.  I have some.  Two.  Early thirties.  One female (German, not Nazi, too thin), One male (Spanish, possibly Nazi?, likes water polo): married.  Quiet.  And every encounter I've had with them thus far has been awkward.  I opened the car door again to roll up the window and then turned around without closing the door again, and WifeHouseguest just stared at me and was like "...the door?" and I didn't have a clue what she was talking about.  Then later, WifeHouseguest made a joke about HusbandHouseguest's eating habits, and I let out a far-too-loud "HAH!" and, my sister told me later, did it without smiling even a little.  And every time I've spoken to HusbandHouseguest, my voice has cracked at least once.  Now I'm so concerned about what they must think of us clueless Canadian kids that I just seem to dig the hole deeper and deeper with every interaction.

My sister and I talked about doing a whole lot of ridiculous things round the houseguests, like holding a seance in their bedroom or acting out Jerry Springer episodes in the kitchen or peeing all over the place, and then nonchalantly telling them, "yeah, no, we do this every night."  It was almost as funny as the time we decided to replace the names of all characters in all movies with "Doctor Prune".

I am nervous about Little Women opening... AND, annoyed about the Brideshead Revisited trailer.  The soundtrack is atrocious.  And... Lady Marchmain approves of Julia and Rex?  Sebastian thinks Charles only befriended him to get close to Julia?  This does not bode well.  It didn't need another filmed adaptation.  Much less one with Matt Goode in it.

Now, downstairs, to the croissants.

I obey, and will return, viruous or dead!
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