The Silent Whispers of the Heart - Chapter 9

Oct 18, 2011 22:08

Title: The Silent Whispers of the Heart
Chapter: 9/??
Author: atmosphere_zero & misfitmisfit
Genre: Angst, Comedy, Romance, School life, AU
Rating: PG-13/R (Depending on the chapter)
Warnings: Strong language, Some violence, Mention of rape (No, it doesn't happen for real, >.>;;;), Men kissing, Suggested sexual scene
Band(s): Alice Nine, the GazettE, Vidoll
Pairing(s)/Character(s): ToraxUruha, UruhaxShun, ToraxKanon(solo artist)
Cameos Appearance: ???? (It would be no fun if I told you, would it? >.>)
Disclaimer: I am in no way affiliated with the bands, people, artists, and musicians mentioned in the story. The story is a work of pure fiction and is in no way meant to represent or reflect the real bands, people, artists, and musicians mentioned in any way. Any similarities are pure coincidences. I do not make anything off of the story as this is simply meant for pure entertainment. No harm or disrespect in any way is intended.
Summary: A simple denial turned into a cruel reality.
Comments: Comments are <3 More at the bottom. Enjoy! n_n

Chapters: Chapter 1 || Chapter 2 || Chapter 3 || Chapter 4 || Chapter 5 || Chapter 6 || Chapter 7 || Chapter 8 || Chapter 9 || Chapter 10a/ Chapter 10b ||

Jui cleared his throat after he nosily settled his third coffee cup into its saucer. Why was this guy taking as long as a girl to decide? The menu was only two pages...

Uruha scanned through the menu and could hardly contain his excitement. There were so many types of pancakes to choose from!!

“Jui-san! What kind of pancake do you want?” Uruha giggled.

Jui rolled his eyes. “None.”

“Good morning! Are you guys ready to order?” A waiter approached them.

Uruha noticed the waiter exchange a silent familiar greeting with Jui before turning his attention towards him.

“Uh…” Uruha quickly looked down at the menu. “How many pancakes come in each order?”


Uruha nodded. “Okay. Then I’ll order these five flavors.”

“Alright. So you want strawberry, coconut, lemon, red bean, and honeydew?”

Jui choked on his coffee, “Can you eat that much?”

“No problem.” Uruha smiled as he waved a peace sign at him.

Jui looked at the waiter, “That’ll be all for us.”

The waiter grinned, “I’ll be out with your order shortly.”

“Why did you have to pick that last flavor?” Jui asked.

Uruha pursued his lips in thought, “Because I’ve never tried it before. Have you?”

Jui averted his eyes to his coffee cup. “No.”

“Oh?” Uruha smirked. “Are you lying?”

Jui folded his arms across his chest and focused his attention on the rest of the customers to ignore Uruha. The small place seemed to be bustling with even more people than when they first arrived. It was amazing how the waiters were able to snake through the narrow spaces between customers and deliver the food perfectly.

The waiter finally came out and delivered all of Uruha’s pancakes, “Enjoy!”

Jui watched how childishly excited Uruha became as he took a bite from each of the different flavors.

“Jui-san! You should really try honeydew. It’s delicious!” Uruha was still chewing.

He stared at Uruha in disbelief.

That was Rame’s favorite flavor. “Are you pulling my leg?”

Uruha didn’t seem to hear him.

He was too busy eating and enjoying all of his pancakes, “Why don’t you eat some, Jui-san?”

“I hate pancakes.”

“But the majority of the menu is pancakes.”

Jui was sipping on his coffee. “Are you done eating?”

Uruha took one more bite and nodded. When they got into the car and Jui started driving for five minutes, he saw Uruha already fast asleep. The coincidences were too similar to be true. Why did this guy act so similar to Rame?


“Hey… Hey… wake up.” Uruha smiled upon hearing Shun’s smoothing voice in his half-sleeping trance.

“Mnnnh, just five more minutes, Shun.” Uruha whined, still with his eyes closed.

Jui slammed on the brakes.

“Ahhhh! What happened? Where? Who? What?” Uruha gasped as his eyes popped open.

He was confused by the sudden darkness.

He frantically looked around and saw Jui glaring at him. “We’re almost there. Where do you live?”

Uruha stretched his arms and rolled down the window to survey his surroundings. Ah, the feeling of home certainly felt good.

“I don’t have all day.” Jui started the car again.

Uruha turned his attention back to Jui. “Please take a left at the next traffic light ahead.”

After making several more turns they drove into a moderately impressive neighborhood made of large two story houses decorated with expansive front lawns and mini-driveways.

“There it is!” Uruha pointed and hopped out right as the car stopped.

A woman appeared in the doorway before Uruha ran up the entire driveway. “Oh Uru-chan! I missed you!”

Jui felt a bit envious of the loving parent and child relationship they were displaying. He shook his head. He still had a lot to do. As he started to pull out, he heard Uruha yell.

“Wait! Jui-san!” Uruha ran up to the driver’s side.

“No need to thank me.” Jui started to roll the window up, but Uruha gripped onto the window with both hands.

“You must be tired from all the driving today. Please come inside and rest for tonight before you go back tomorrow.” Uruha offered.

Uruha’s mother appeared behind Uruha shortly after. “Yes, please do stay. I apologize for any trouble my son may have given you.”

Uruha glared at her. She lightly laughed and nodded at Jui for an answer. Jui had no choice, but to accept since they were literally begging him to stay.

Uruha had tried to help Jui bring in his belongings, but Jui insisted on carrying it in himself. Therefore Uruha rushed off to make some supper for everyone.

Uruha’s mother kindly showed him to the guest room and gave him a mini tour of the house.

“So, if you don’t mind me asking, what brings you to this side of town?” Uruha’s mother offered him a seat on the couch.

“I am exploring my options.” Jui vaguely answered.

His mother smiled pleasantly at him. He sure knew how to dodge questions.

“Since you two are strangers, what made you bring Uruha home?” His mother casually asked.

Jui stopped to think. Why did he care to bring Uruha home? He could have just let Uruha take the train home. “Well, I-”

Suddenly, a loud crash came from inside the kitchen.

“Uruha?!” Uruha’s mother immediately ran to see what happened.

Jui quickly followed.

Uruha was softly muttering to himself while squatting on the floor cleaning up a mess of splattered food and pieces of a broken plate.

“Don’t you have a broom?” Jui dragged Uruha away from the mess.

Uruha sniffled, “Sorry, Jui-san, I messed up dinner. I was trying to impress you with my cooking and I-”

Jui sat Uruha down into a nearby chair, and tied a spare apron around his waist. He turned on the stove again and grabbed one of the plates of uncooked food.

Uruha wiped his eyes and admired how deftly Jui was cooking. He held chopsticks in his hand to move around the food, but for majority of the time, he flipped the food with the pan itself. Uruha had always seen chefs on TV do this trick, but when he tried to imitate them he would always get the food everywhere.

His mother silently watched in interest at how caring Jui became around Uruha. She knew her son’s kindness had that type of effect on others, but so soon on a stranger?

Jui turned towards her to acknowledge her, “The food will be ready shortly.”

“Wow! You know how to cook, Jui-san? Amazing. I bet your food will taste better than Uru-chan’s. I only eat his because I have no other choice.” Uruha’s mother beamed.

Uruha glared at her, “Then cook yourself next time.”

His mother blew a raspberry at him and pouted. “Well, fine. I see how it is. I’ll be outside at the dining table waiting all by myself.”

Uruha rolled his eyes. His mother was such a child sometimes.

“Help me bring these out.” Jui poured the last dish out of the pan.

Uruha eagerly picked up a few of the other plates to carry out. The food smelled absolutely delicious.

At the small round dinner table, Uruha’s mother sat in between Jui and Uruha.

“Wow!” Uruha’s mother barely finished chewing. “Your cooking is phenomenal!”

Jui humbly nodded. For the few days Uruha had been with Jui, he already loved the taste of Jui’s cooking, but he did notice that the taste heavily depended on Jui’s mood.

“Jui-san, where do go to school?” Uruha’s mother seriously asked.

Jui swallowed his food and wiped his mouth with a napkin, “I’m actually transferring to Uruha’s school.”

“Did your parents send you here?” Uruha’s mother took a sip of her wine.

“They wish what is best for me.” Jui shifted his eyes to cutting his steak.

“Oh, so your parents know that my school is the best in this district?” Uruha piped up.

Uruha’s mother knew that Jui was harboring dark feelings, but was it doing him any good? More importantly, how did Uruha fit into that picture?

Uruha’s mother quickly reciprocated Uruha’s jolly mood, “Oooh great! Where are you staying?”

Jui took a sip of water knowing Uruha’s mother was carefully eyeing him. He didn’t exactly like being interrogated, but he didn’t want to seem rude either.

“I’m working out my arrangements at this time.”

“I see.” His mother nodded. “Hrm, how about this? You can stay here rent free as long as you cook for us. How does that sound?”

The suggestion sounded ominous. He was nervous and afraid of what would happen if he really did stay with Uruha, although the idea of free rent was enticing.

“I need to think about it.”

“No need! I promise I will keep my word. Besides, since you’re not from around here I don’t think it’s safe to just live on your own. Anyway, let’s make it as a favor I am doing for you because of the wonderful help you have provided in keeping my son alive.” Uruha’s mother insisted.

“But I-”

“Alright! It’s settled then. You two will make excellent study buddies, hehe.” His mother giggled as she rose from her chair.

Uruha exclaimed, “Mom! Why? He didn’t even agree or say he wanted to stay! What are you doing?”

“Okay, boys. I’m done with dinner. You guys can take as long as you want. I’m going to get some work done.” His mother disappeared to her office.

Jui gathered as many of the dirty dishes as he could and left for the kitchen. Uruha sighed. Living together??? What in the world was his mother thinking?

After dinner as Uruha and Jui washed the dishes together, Uruha curiously looked over at Jui occasionally wondering if he was really going to consider staying. It wasn’t that he disliked Jui, rather he felt that Jui didn’t really like him at all.

“Are you done drying that one plate?” Jui interrupted his thoughts.

Uruha snapped out of his reverie and noticed a bunch of plates stacked up for him to dry. Uruha blurted out several apologies and hurried up to dry the rest of the plates. Jui actually grabbed another clean rag and assisted Uruha in drying the rest of the plates.

“Jui-san…” Uruha began.

Jui didn’t look up.

“Are you going to consider staying here?” Uruha quietly asked.

Jui put away the last plate, “Where’s the shower?”

Uruha silently sighed, but figured he shouldn’t push any farther, “Follow me.”

As they walked up the stairs, Jui thought about Uruha’s simple question. If only he could give such a simple answer, but the situation was more complicated than anyone would understand. Therefore, he already made up his mind to leave first thing in the morning. He didn’t want anything more to deal with Uruha. The similarities between Uruha and Rame were just too coincidental and the fact Uruha, Rame, and Shun were all connected didn’t settle well in his mind.

Uruha breathed in the good aroma floating in the air. He loved the feel of cleanliness he got right after he showered. As he was about to enter his room, he heard lots of talking coming from Jui’s room. He was unable to control his curiosity, so he decided to eavesdrop a little.

From inside the room, he could hear Jui clearly angry, “What more do you want from me?”

A pause of silence then Jui shouted again, “No! No! You can’t always compare me to him. He’s a fucking idiot that screwed up his life. Why should I be held to those standards? Why can’t you let me live my own fucking life the way I want to? I hate you guys!”

Uruha gasped. Who was Jui talking to? Uruha almost shrieked when he heard something crash and break against the wall. Ahhhh! He should get out of here. Uruha scurried back to his room and jumped into his bed.

Jui clenched his fists, digging his nails deep into the palms of his hands. He had to restrain himself from losing himself to his rage and taking it out against the wall since this wasn’t his house.

After a few ragged, deep breaths, Jui’s heart started to calm down a little. He let the tears silently roll down his face. At this point he didn’t care anymore. Everyone he ever loved either left him or didn’t bother to understand him. This world was pathetic.

Jui flopped face down on the bed. He was exhausted. Exhausted from the fights, from the pain, from the sorrow… but for some reason, he couldn’t force himself to just give up. Something was still there calling out to him. Jui squeezed his eyes shut and pushed his mind back to those sweet, simple days when Rame smiled and laughed because of him, not because of Shun.


Uruha groggily turned off his alarm and was sleep walking into the bathroom. He heard the sound of water running, but it didn’t register in his mind. He opened the door and lifted the toilet seat then sighed pleasurably at the feeling of emptying his bladder.

Jui cleared his throat while he turned his back towards the curtain. “What are you doing here? Can’t you see that I’m showering?”

Uruha murmured, “I’m not a pervert. I had to go pee and couldn’t wait. I’m leaving now.”

Uruha closed the door behind him and when it clicked shut, his eyes popped open. Ahhhh! What was he doing just now?!?! How could he have blindly walked in while Jui was still in there?? Uruha took several deep breaths to prevent from hyperventilating. He placed the back of his hand to one of his cheeks. It was burning up from embarrassment. Ahhhhhh, how could he dare to face Jui later? Uruha groaned. Why did his mother have to be so stupid to suggest living together under the same roof? What was she trying to do?

Jui stepped out of the bathroom, cleaned and embarrassed as well. He assumed Uruha was too sleepy to see anything, but still he felt so awkward from how comfortably Uruha stepped inside without giving any sort of pre-warning.

He shook his head and tried to shrug off the feeling. It meant nothing. Nothing. Nothing at all. He grabbed his schoolbag and forms then headed downstairs. There were two bentos sitting on the kitchen countertop, ready and waiting to be taken. He looked around and didn’t see anyone awake or walking around.

“Hello?” Jui called out.

“Coming!!” He heard footsteps nosily clambering down the stairs.

It was Uruha.

Uruha scratched his head, grabbed one of the bentos to stuff into his bag, and slipped on his shoes. “Let’s go before we’re late!”

Jui said, “Get in the car. I’ll drive us.”

Uruha paused, “No, no, no. Let’s just walk. It’s less complicated. Come on!”

Jui sighed and reluctantly followed Uruha’s lead.


When they arrived at school, Uruha convinced Jui to let him stay and wait for him to finish taking care of his paperwork in the main office. Uruha pulled out a piece of candy he had bought from Shun’s hometown and sucked on it while he waited.

After Jui finished signing all of the paperwork, he expected to greet Uruha outside, but he saw some funny-looking guy happily chatting to Uruha.

“Hey, Uruha! Where’ve you been these past few days?” Tora squeezed his shoulders.

Uruha chewed his bottom lip. Once upon a time he would have been so happy to hear these words from Tora, but now he felt so pained from not receiving this concern from Shun.

Uruha turned away from Tora, “Please leave me be.”

Tora pulled Uruha around to directly face him. “You’ve got the blues again. Let’s go shoot some hoops tonight!”

Uruha shook his head. Why? Why was he being showered with all of this attention, warmth, and care from the wrong person? Uruha pushed Tora’s hands off his shoulders and turned to walk away, but froze when he saw Jui watching them.

He could hear Tora saying something, but he interrupted him, “No, Tora! No! Leave me alone!!”

Uruha covered his ears and shut his eyes, then ran off into the classroom. Why? Why did this feel like déjà vu? Why was Tora doing this to him? Why? Why?

Tora turned around to see what freaked Uruha out. To his surprise, there was some jerk face coldly staring at him.

Tora wiped his nose and snorted, “Hmph.”

Feeling satisfied, Tora walked to class leaving the loser behind. Jui wondered who that was.

“Alright, class. We have a new student today. Let’s say hello to Jui-san.” Sensei smiled at her sleepy pupils. “Jui-san, please take a seat behind our class president, Uruha-san.”

“And, Uruha-san, please show Jui-san around for today, ok?” Sensei further instructed.

Uruha nodded and forced a smile, “Yes, Sensei.”

Tora blurted, “What?! What the hell are you doing in our class, you jerk!”

“Tora-san…” Sensei warned him.

Tora shot a glare at Jui. Seriously, Uruha needed to learn how to better protect himself. How did Uruha attract so many disgusting moths?


During class, Sensei was lecturing about math concepts Jui was already familiar with. Occasionally he wrote down something to look like he was paying attention, but disturbingly he noticed that funny-looking guy from earlier shooting him glares and other rude gestures. To play along, Jui stroked the ends of Uruha’s hair, which made that guy flick him off a couple of times.

“Tora-san…” Sensei warned him, “If I see that obscene gesture one more time…”

Tora grudgingly turned around and faced forward. Damn that Jui. Was he going to turn out to be a second Shun??

Uruha almost squealed when he felt someone touch his hair. He tried to ignore it by scooting forward, but it didn’t stop. He felt relieved when Sensei singled Tora out because the awkward touching stopped.

Finally, the lunch bell rang.

“Hey,” Jui tapped Uruha’s shoulder, “Can we eat lunch together?”

Uruha thought about how to bring up the subject, but before he even had a chance, Tora came running over.

He slammed his hands down on Jui’s desk, “Uruha is going to eat lunch with me today, so you back off, new student!”

Jui simply smiled back at Tora, “I just asked Uruha to eat with me. First come, first serve.”

Tora’s face reddened with anger, “Let’s go, Uruha! Leave this crazy guy to himself.”

Uruha pushed Tora’s hand away, “No! I’m going to eat by myself.”


Uruha grabbed his lunch and left the classroom. Everyone was driving him crazy.

Tora glared at Jui, “What’s your relationship with Uruha, huh? Who are you?”

Jui shrugged as he took his lunch out of his bag and signaled goodbye as he strolled out of the classroom.

In the lunchroom, Uruha was hopelessly, secretly watching Rame playfully feeding Shun some crackers and sharing a strawberry smoothie together. He tried to focus his attention elsewhere, but he couldn’t. He felt sick watching the love of his life sharing happiness and tender warmth with someone else.

Uruha covered his eyes with his hands. Why couldn’t he just go up to Shun and ask him what happened? He hated being such a coward.

Cool lips pecked his cheek. Uruha quickly jerked his head to the right as Jui sat to his left.

“Hey, why aren’t you eating with me if you’re not eating with anyone else?” Jui unpacked his lunch.

Uruha rolled his eyes. “Are you deaf? I said I wanted to eat alone - meaning I don’t want company.”

Jui chewed on a piece of meat and nodded. “Okay, so you’ll just watch other people in misery?”

Uruha blushed with fury. “What’s your problem? Yes, I am in misery, but what’s that to you? Why do you care?”

Jui paused and looked into Uruha’s eyes, “Because I’m interested…”

Uruha squeezed his eyes shut. No, no, no. He didn’t want to hear it, even if it was only in jest.

“…in all of this drama that you are causing.”

Uruha popped open his eyes and huffed. “What do you really want?”

Jui stabbed his shrimp ball and pointed it at Uruha.

Uruha furiously shook his head and hands, “No, no, no. I’m not available.”

Jui chuckled, “So quick to assume.”

“But you-” Uruha stammered.

“Then let me feed you.” Jui winked as he offered Uruha that shrimp ball.

“No.” Uruha turned his face away.

He caught sight of Rame still playfully feeding Shun. His eyes met with Shun’s for a split second before Shun quickly averted his eyes.

“I feel sick. Excuse me.” Uruha muttered as he rose from his chair.

Uruha felt a little lightheaded, but he didn’t think much of it. When he stepped out into the hallway, he started seeing double images of everything. He blindly reached out for the wall to balance himself, but everything went black.

Jui chewed on his rejected shrimp ball. He couldn’t figure out what exactly was eating at Uruha. Someone yelled for help from the hallway and many people went out of the lunchroom to check on the commotion. Jui expected a false alarm, but immediately recognized Uruha lying on the ground. Shun at the other end of the circle of people was about to break into the middle and rescue Uruha, but Rame tugged on his shirt sleeve. By then Jui already scooped up Uruha.

Jui felt a strange need to hurry to the infirmary and stay by Uruha’s side.

When Uruha woke up, Jui was right beside him holding his hand. Uruha pulled his hand back against his chest and looked away.

“Why? Why do you act like you care so much?” Uruha felt confused.

Jui stayed silent. It was best to let Uruha let out his feelings.

Uruha continued, “Stop faking that you care. Stop it before… before… before I fall in love with you, too.”

Uruha laid back down, turned away from Jui, and curled up on his side. It was confirmed that Uruha loved Shun, and Shun must have reciprocated some of those feelings.

Jui clasped his hands together. “The hate will taint your vision and poison your heart, but eventually, you learn how to cope with the pain.”

“…then stop being so nice to me.” Uruha muttered. “Stop nullifying my pain. I want it. I want it to hurt so much that it numbs all my senses.”

“That’s when you start to forget how and what it’s like to love another.” Jui softly said.

“Take me home, Jui-san.” Uruha turned back towards Jui with tears brimming in his eyes. “Please…”

Jui nodded and signed them out for the rest of the school day. Uruha stayed in his room for the rest of the night. Jui cooked and ate alone while reading a book like he always did after Rame had left his side.


Tora dreaded these types of visits. His mother always forced him to make an appearance out of courtesy. He continuously checked his watch. They were ten minutes late. A few more minutes passed and Tora called for a waitress to give him the bill. When the waitress returned, instead of bringing the bill, she brought over two men.

“Hello, Son!” Tora’s dad waved to him.

Tora immediately took notice of his father and that man holding hands. “You two are disgusting and un-excusably late.”

The other man apologized, “Tora-san, I tried. I really did, but your father refused to get out of bed this morning. He loves sleeping too much.”

Tora’s ears reddened. That was something he liked to do, too.

“Ahhh! I don’t want to hear intimate details about your relationship. I’ll never accept it!” Tora pressed the palms of his hands over his ears.

The two men sadly smiled at each other and the other man kissed Tora’s father quickly before turning towards Tora, “I’ll leave you two alone. Nice seeing you again, Tora.”

He squeezed Tora’s father’s shoulder, then left.

“Alright, Son. He’s gone now. Can you calmly talk to me?” His father pulled Tora’s hands down.

Tora flung his father’s hands away. “Don’t call me your son. I reject you as a father. How could I possibly forgive you for the pain you caused Mom??”

His father sighed, “S- Tora, I still love your mother, but in a different way. She and I still talk and worry about you. She always has my support.”

Tora crossed his arms and glared at him, “I don’t understand why we have to meet. If Mom loves talking to you so much, she should just come herself and alone!!”

Tora’s father looked at him with sorrowful eyes. “S- Tora, even if you don’t accept my partner or my love for him, can’t you at least accept your old man’s love for you?”

“I’m tired and I have homework still to do. Bye.” Tora threw money on the table and left.

Tora saw his father’s partner waiting outside of the restaurant. He spat at the man’s feet and ran home. For reasons unexplainable, tears streamed down his face. He hated his father. He needed to. He had to… He reminded himself of the pain his supposed father made his innocent, pitiful mother go through.


Friday rolled around and the school day zipped by without any complications. From yesterday Shun couldn’t figure out why Jui was here. Whichever way he tried to think about the situation, none of it added up.

Things had already been turned upside down because of Rame’s presence and now matters became even more complicated because of Jui’s presence. Still, Shun wondered what was Jui’s relationship with Uruha?

The moment the final bell for the day rang, everyone rushed off to enjoy their weekend. Shun watched Uruha tell Jui something before quickly leaving the classroom.

Shun decided to approach Jui. “What are you doing here?”

Jui paused to smile inwardly. Shun making the first move proved his suspicions.

“Hello, dear friend.” Jui stood up and patted Shun on the shoulder. “It’s been awhile, hasn’t it?”

Shun glared at Jui, “Did you send Rame here?”

Jui’s smile drooped into a frown, “Sorry to disappoint you. I discovered his whereabouts on accident.”

“You’re a liar!” Shun growled. “You were one before, and you’re probably still one now.”

Jui waved his index finger at Shun, “Tsk, tsk, Shun, losing your temper already. Rame wouldn’t like that.”

Shun gritted his teeth. He was always at a loss for words around the eloquent Jui. It was useless trying to get any answers out of Jui, but he was worried for … Uruha.

Shun took in a deep breath. “What does Uruha have to do with you?”

Jui shrugged nonchalantly, “We live together.”

Shun’s eyes bugged out. Jui had to stifle his laughter. Without any warning signs, Shun threw a punch at Jui’s cheek. “You bastard! What more do you want from me? Wasn’t last time enough damage?”

Jui stumbled back a few steps and spit blood into his handkerchief. His lower right jaw throbbed with a pulsating pain.

Jui managed to say, “If you love Uruha so much, then why do you still hold onto Rame? Aren’t you being a two-timer like that bastard father of yours?”

Shun lashed out with a kick in Jui’s shin. “You fucking bastard!”

Jui let Shun release his anger out on him. He always found it strange, yet amusing, that Shun could be so protective over those trashy people that he could still call parents.

Uruha walked back into the classroom to get his school bag and call Jui to go home when he gasped at the horrid sight of Shun almost beating Jui into a pulp.

Uruha ran over while yelling, “Stoooop!! Stooopppp!!!”

Uruha tried his best to pull Shun away, but he could tell that Shun was in one of those rages. Uruha pressed his trembling hands against his forehead. Oh great, oh great, what should he do? He couldn’t call any of the Senseis over otherwise Shun might get suspended. Ahhh!!!

Uruha cried out, “Shun! Shun! Pleeease…. Please stop.”

In the midst of his rage, he heard Uruha sobbing. His rage slowly subsided, and he let go out Jui. “…Uruha…?”

“Shun… what’s gotten into you?” Uruha could barely control his tears.

A guilty feeling overcame him seeing Uruha shed so many tears. Although he tried to utter a few words, he felt a lump in his throat forcing him to stay silent.

Uruha turned his attention to Jui, “Jui-san…Jui-san, can you hear me? How is it? Do you need to go to the emergency room?”

Jui managed to shake his head. Although his wounds severely hurt, the irony was that all of these painful, punches were Shun’s deep love for Uruha.

“Let…’s… go…. home…” Jui used the last of his strength to say before leaning on Uruha to limp out of the classroom.

Shun watched in painful silence and defeat as Uruha helped Jui out of the classroom. Strangely, he didn’t feel sorry for beating Jui up. He only felt foolish to have let Uruha see him in such a state to cause him to cry.


Jui was in such a mess that Uruha forced him to get into the bath to let him do the washing. After Uruha helped Jui get cleaned and clothed, then Uruha started to apply the medicine to his wounds.

“Hold still.” Uruha was dabbing ointment on Jui’s swollen bruises.

“Shit!” Jui jerked his arm away. “What is that stuff? It burns!”

“I told you to hold still. It’ll hurt less.” Uruha started to dab the bruises on Jui’s face.

“You’re breathing too close for my comfort.” Jui weakly pushed him back.

Uruha closed in on Jui’s face again, “Your eyes are partially swollen. How can you see where to put on the medicine?”

“I think you’ve put enough. You can stop.” Jui limped from the kitchen table to the living room sofa.

“Why were you two fighting?” Uruha asked as he cleaned everything up.

Jui pretended not to hear and turned the TV on. Uruha rolled his eyes. Jui was always so difficult to be around. He decided to ignore him and go up to shower.

After Jui was sure Uruha was gone, he turned off the TV and crawled over to the TV to stare at his reflection. He looked repulsive with his many bruises. He brushed his fingers over the bruises on his face and winced. Maybe he should have let Uruha put more of that medicine on it. Jui shrugged. What was one more wound?

“I’m back.” Uruha came running down the stairs and swiped the medicine box off the counter.

“I’m tired. Good night.” Jui began to limp away.

Uruha pulled Jui back to the sofa and opened the box. “Nope, nope. Not until I put some more medicine on you.”

Reluctantly, Jui didn’t squirm away this time. The pain was really starting to settle and although he could tolerate the pain, he didn’t want the pain to keep him up all night.

“Jui-san,” Uruha gently turned Jui’s face to the side as he applied ointment to the bruises. “Why do you act as if you dislike company? I can see in your eyes that you wish to be with people.”

When Jui abruptly snapped his face back to Uruha’s, their lips momentarily touched. Uruha immediately pushed Jui away, but upon hearing Jui groan, he realized how inconsiderate he had been. Jui was still severely injured.

“Sorry, sorry, sorry! It’s just that I-” Uruha’s face was burning with embarrassment.

Maybe it was the lighting or lack of lighting, but at that moment, Jui was captivated by Uruha. He tried to look away, but couldn’t peel his eyes off of Uruha. His heart was racing uncontrollably.

Without a second thought, Jui impulsively cupped the side of Uruha’s face and kissed Uruha’s lips once more. Although Uruha was freaked out by Jui’s rash action, he noticed some of the ice in Jui’s eyes melt. Soon after, Jui immediately released Uruha’s lips.

He took a moment to breathe as he studied Uruha’s distinct, beautiful features. Although he didn’t want to pull away, he broke his gaze and stood up to turn his back against Uruha. “Excuse me for acting so awkward.”

Before Uruha could make a comment, Jui made his way to the staircase and quickly climbed up to his room. Once inside, he flopped onto his bed, sinking his face into the pillow. He must be possessed to have kissed Uruha like that. He hoped Uruha wouldn’t take it the wrong way.


Tora had been staying at Kanon’s house these past few days because her parents had gone away on a trip, and Kanon felt nervous and scared being alone.

“Careful, Kanon-chan!” Tora carried a heavy pot of freshly cooked noodles from the stove to pour into the loafer sitting in the sink.

“Smells good, Tora.” Kanon smiled.

Tora turned on the cold water to let it run over the noodles, “Silly, I only boiled it. You’re going to amaze me when you use it to cook your delicious dishes.”

Kanon blushed, “I hope the dishes will suit your taste.”

Tora wrapped his arms around her waist and kissed her gently, “Of course it will, Silly.”

“But I heard from your mom that Uruha-senpai used to cook for you. I hope I can live up to Uruha-senpai’s amazing skills.” Kanon whispered.

Tora felt his heart pound against his chest as he smoothly said, “Oh, she told you? Yeah, he used to, but he’s busy now, so he doesn’t have time anymore.”

“Do you hope he’ll come back to your side one day?” Kanon chewed on her lip.

Tora gently rubbed her back, “Kanon-chan, is something bothering you?”

“I love you, Tora … more than anything.” Kanon pressed her lips against his.

Tora returned her kiss with more passion. She gasped at the feel of his tongue slipping between her lips. She timidly licked his tongue then quickly pulled back.

“Tora…” She breathed, “Should we even be doing this?”

“I’m sorry. I… got carried away.” Tora blushed a little. “I won’t force you if you’re not ready.”

Kanon nodded, “But how should I let you know when I’m ready?”

“You’re turning out to be a little comedian, missy.” Tora laughed, then he pointed to the left side of his chest, “This should be able to tell me, I think.”

Kanon playfully pouted, “Can’t you be serious for one second?”

Tora kissed her again, “I love you, Kanon-chan.”

“I love you, too, Tora.” Kanon happily turned on the stove to warm the pan.

Tora began to imagine what it would have been like to cook with Uruha again…


Rays of sunlight slipped through the cracks of the blinds, but they couldn’t penetrate the thick navy, blue curtain Rame convinced Shun last week. Rame was a light sleeper, so any little bit of light woke him up, but he didn’t mind. He loved seeing Shun when he first woke up. Shun was a deep sleeper. Barely anything could disrupt him except wet kisses.

Rame mischievously grinned. He licked Shun’s neck, and giggled with glee the minute Shun rolled onto his side turning away from him. Rame pulled up Shun’s t-shirt and licked along the ridge of Shun’s spine.

Shun shivered and mumbled, “Cut it out, Rame.”

This only egged Rame on. He slid one hand up Shun’s muscular chest and pinched Shun’s nipple.

“Ah!” Shun whapped Rame’s hand away and tugged his shirt back down.

Rame rolled his lips to think of what else he could do then he smiled. He tickled Shun’s stomach and forced Shun to roll onto his back. At that very moment, Rame straddled Shun’s lap.

“Rame… stop…” Shun drowsily objected.

Rame bent down to distract Shun with a kiss as he tried to take off Shun’s t-shirt.

“Urgh… what time is it?” Shun held Rame’s wrists from going any further.

Rame squinted at the clock and gasped seeing the time was 11:00AM.

“Shun-chan! Shun-chan!” Rame shook him to get up. “It’s 11:00AM. Aren’t you late for work?”

Shun finally opened his eyes, “I took this weekend off, so you could recover from your bad cold.”

“Why you!” Rame smiled at him. “Why didn’t you tell me?”

“Do you feel better?” Shun placed the back of his hand against Rame’s forehead.

“Thanks to you.” Rame bent down to kiss him again.

Shun groaned when he felt uncomfortably squeezed there.

“Rame…” Shun grunted, “What are you doing?”

“I won’t let you escape, Shun-chan.” Rame began to stroke him.

“I- I really need to use the bathroom. Excuse me.” Shun quickly dashed to the bathroom.

His head pounded from the swirl of conflicting emotions fighting to win over his heart. His body wanted to react to Rame’s affections, but his mind was screaming at him to stop. Shun sunk to the floor and clutched his head. What was going on? Why was he losing control of his emotions? What was he really feeling?


Kudos to misfitmisfit for making the banner of the story!

>.> <.< We deeply apologize for the super late delay! I know it's been forever since the last chapter, but here it is!

From misfitmisfit: Gomen nasaii for being so late... RL got hectic and crazy!!!! I hope you enjoy reading it, X'D

The next chapter is still in the process of being written, but no worries! We're working on it as fast as possible! :D

Comments and constructive criticisms are greatly appreciated! ^_^

!fanfiction:the gazette, !fanfiction:alice nine, !fanfiction:kanon (solo artist), !fanfiction:vidoll

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