Канада. Монета "Нормандская операция"

Jul 04, 2019 21:48


Страна: Канада

Номинал: 20 долларов

Год выпуска: 2019

Размер: 38,0 мм

Гурт: рубчатый

Металл: серебро 999 пробы

Масса: 31,39 гр.

Тираж: 7500 шт.

“Hard fighting would follow for those who landed on 6 June, but  by the end of the month the soldiers of 3rd Division and 2nd Armoured  Brigade had beaten off the German armour which threatened to penetrate  the Mue Valley and reach the Channel Coast. They were now veterans.” The Expert: Dr. Stephen Harris, CD, PhD, Directorate of History and Heritage, Canadian Armed Forces

It began on Juno Beach, and it continued at Buron, Autie, Carpiquet,  Caen, Falaise. The D-Day landings of June 6, 1944, were a success. But  the costly path to victory in Normandy would take Canada’s troops  through towns and villages, where they became embroiled in a battle of  attrition against some of the enemy’s best troops: the elite Panzer  divisions. Steeled by combat experience, the wary soldier from the 2019  Proof Dollar is now the image of steely resolve on this 1 oz. pure  silver coin. The latest instalment in our Second World War: Battlefront Series commemorates  the 75th anniversary of the Normandy Campaign (June 6-August 30, 1944).  While your coin shows Canadian troops advancing beyond the beaches,  D-Day and the beginning of the Liberation of Western Europe are  represented by sound waves that stand in for the “V” for “Victory” radio  signal.


Designed by Brad Anderson, the reverse finds a Canadian infantry  soldier advancing during the Normandy Campaign (June 6-August 30, 1944).  He is flanked by an LCA carrier used at Juno Beach, and a Sherman III  D-Drive tank that symbolizes Canada’s armoured divisions. To mark the  beginning of the Liberation of Western Europe, the air is filled with  the “sound” of victory ringing out in the form of sound waves, which  represent “V” for “Victory” in Morse code-a nod to D-Day radio  broadcasts. The obverse features the effigy of King George VI by T. H.  Paget.

The Push to Liberation

It marked the opening of a Second Front and the beginning of the  Liberation of Western Europe. But if the D-Day landings caught the enemy  unawares, the push inland brought Canadians face to face with the  backbone of the enemy fighting force.

Moving through the Mue and Orne river valleys, the 3rd Canadian  Division and 2nd Canadian Armoured Brigade fought to protect the  beachhead and prevent a counter-offensive, but their advance was stalled  by the enemy’s armoured reserves.

The Canadian spearhead suffered heavy losses at Buron and Authie,  where it first encountered the 12th SS Panzer Division; and it was  forced to retreat from Putot-en-Bassin before recapturing it. On 11-12  June, Canadian and British units were able to push the Germans out of  the town of Rots, but the Canadian attack on Le Mesnil-Patry was  repulsed with heavy losses.  Although they continued to fight forward,  that was the last major attack that month.

With the bridgehead finally secure, in July 2nd Canadian Infantry  Division and 4th Canadian Armoured Division joined the fray as 21 Army  Group clawed its way forward.  There was heavy fighting for Caen, on the  approaches to Falaise, and in the final battles that trapped what  remained of the enemy forces in Normandy and opened the way to the  Seine.  Total casualties between D Day and 23 August numbered 18,444, of  which 5,021 were fatal.

Did you know…

  • For Canada, July 25, 1944, was one of the bloodiest days of the  Second World War. The Canadian advance on the town of Verrières was met  with fierce resistance, resulting in more than 1,500 casualties-more  single-day losses than any other operation, save the Dieppe Raid.
  • German Panther and Tiger tanks outmatched Sherman tanks. A higher  profile made the Sherman an easy target; once hit, the gas-powered  Sherman easily exploded into flames. Another deadly weapon? The 88-mm  flake 36, a modified anti-aircraft gun that destroyed tanks.
  • The battle for Caen proved to be more deadly than the D-Day  landings. By July 9, the Canadians had finally captured the city and  cleared it of snipers and mines, but at the cost of 1,194 casualties.


x, m4 sherman, 2019, Вторая мировая, Канада, танк

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