Corella Deville..

Apr 09, 2005 10:36

"Corella Deville..Corella Deville..if she doesn't scare you, no other one will.."

What in the world do you do with a Corella Deville in your life? How do you get her help? How do you stop her evil ways? This I'd like to know..

Last night I wanted Ryn to go to the Sandip Burman concert with me..He asked his mom while she was at work and was told she'd "Think about it." When she got home, she said "no"..This is Ryn's 10th week of grounding..When asked why, she said she was mad because after the talent show last night, he came over to talk to me first..instead of her...even though 1.) I was closer...2.) He had just sang a love song to me. and 3.) Why would he want to talk to her after being grounded for so long?..and 4.) He rarely gets a chance to talk to me!...She then proceeded on her reason that I'm too old for that i'm 19..(wow, just turned 19 five days ago)..and that as far as she's concerned we "didnt have anybody there to see last night!"....Wow..Ryn wasnt singing the love song to you, woman..and with good reason. . . She's frightening. Well, Ryn's father finally stood up to her and let him come...he said he could go at 6:30 and had to be home at Don't get me wrong, I'm thankful for SOME time with Ryn..but 10 pm..well that just sucked.

Don't you think that his mom is a year and a half too late with all of this? If she didnt want me to date him, she should have spoken up long ago! She shouldnt have let him and I get so involved and fall in love!!! And honestly, am I really a bad influence on him? We all know that that's just not the case. Well, this is just weekly turmoil..nothing compared to what happened 10 weeks ago..but we won't talk about the fact that they abuse their children, either...will we? We'll keep that hush hush.

I'm bursting at the seams here!!! I need suggestions..and those suggestions can't be call DCFS..because we don't have any proof really. It all has made me cry just about every single day since it has all happened. Life is no longer happy..Life is just one big fight against his mother. What do I do!?!

"They'll hurt you, they'll desert you, they'll take your souls if you let them...oh, but don't you let them"
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