(no subject)

Nov 16, 2008 21:22

Computer is, if anything, deader than ever. It has been taken apart, fiddled with, put back together, rebooted, cleaned, and prayed to, and still it says NO NO NO ALEX YOU SHALL NOT HAVE INFRONET. I'm on a borrowed laptop ATM-- borrowed from my mom who borrowed it from dad, and gosh does it feel nice.

My NaNoWriMo dreams are being mostly halted by lack of computer. I hand-wrote about 14 pages before realizing that it was gonna be pretty hard to keep up the pace I'd need, and also that I couldn't access the first 2000 words to double-check things. Sort of a bummer, there. I'm also having to shut down my shop, which is annoying but all for the best. I'd hate to make a sale and not know about it for a week.

I kind of want a laptop. This thing is kinda cool, and the allure of typing in bed is almost orgasmic in and of itself. I'm pretty sure I'd get annoyed with it quickly, though, or drop it en route to bed.

I'm sick again, or possibly just STILL sick. Infection? Allergies plus nasty cold? Who knows. All I'm sure of is that I almost passed out on the bathroom floor this morning, slept on and off all day, and feel sore, headachey, tired and sinusy. Hoping to be back on my feet tomorrow, and better for sure on Tuesday, but have logged online-- no, not to type a boring entry here, that was just a bonus activity-- to alert all the dance gals that I might not be there, again.

Abby is also still sick. Her cold doesn't seem to be getting much better, and now her snot isn't clear anymore and she's clawed owwies on both her ears, so tomorrow she'll be going into the doc's to see if she's got an ear infection. It'd be nice if I could get in at the same time, with the same doctor, just to see if I'm infected as well, but somehow I don't think that'd wash.

Man, I type pretty quickly on this thing. And the screen is a bit low, but I think that's keeping me from slouching. Ah, well, it'll be a short-lived thing regardless, 'cos I've gotta return it to mom's on Tuesday, and then eventually dad will take it home with him.

Now I'm just typing for the novelty of it. Off to write emails and pay bills and all those important things that I borrowed this thing to do.
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