Tempting the Cat (drabble)

Sep 27, 2006 17:00

TITLE: Tempting the Cat
AUTHOR: Martha (and cat)
LENGTH: 100 words, drabble
SUMMARY: You never knew until you looked.
MAIN CHAR: Elizabeth Weir
MOOD/RATING: Reflective/G
BETA/FEEDBACK: No beta, feedback welcome! Concrit away! *grin*
DISCLAIMER: Not mine (alas), see below for full.
CROSSPOSTED atlantisfic, stargate_fanfic, lostcityfound

It was never easy watching them go, knowing the odds meant that sometime someone wouldn't be coming home. Probabilities that didn't care for age or occupation or how much luck they'd already bled through. But they weren't meant to die of old age, none of them were. Not since they'd stepped foot through the eight symbol gate not knowing what was on the other side. An endless game of Schrödinger's cat bound by a silver ring and a bottomless ocean that wasn't. Alive or dead. Alive and dead. All the myriad possibilities that hung on a single phrase.

"Incoming Wormhole."

"STARGATE ATLANTIS", "STARGATE SG1" and other related entities are owned, (TM) and © by MGM TELEVISION and DOUBLE SECRET PRODUCTION in association with GEKKO FILMS and THE SCIFI CHANNEL. All rights reserved. No copyright infringement is intended nor implied.

(Looking for more fanfic/fantasy/scifi/poetry/etc to read? Then check out The Unforgotten Country! http://www.martha.net/unforgotten)
Technorati tags: writing | fiction | fantasy | science fiction | the unforgotten country

weir angst, drabble, weir, angst, author:martha_(and_cat), pov, weir gen, character study, gen

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