Title: Prophecy
Rating: Back to PG-13 for now.
Genre: Romance/Mystery
Spoilers: Post The Runner, Pre Long Goodbye (Season 2)
Warnings: There is an itty bitty Tower spoiler in this chapter. You’ll miss it if you blink.
Summary:The discovery of an Ancient Temple sparks a baffling mystery that will examine the very foundations that Atlantis was built upon. Why is it so important? Written upon a 300,000 year old mural are the names of John Sheppard and Elizabeth Weir. SheppardWeir
Disclaimer: I don’t own Stargate, I don’t own the characters, and I make no money from this. Don’t sue me, please?
Prologue )
Chapter 1 )
Chapter 2 )
Chapter 3 )
Chapter 4 )
Chapter 5 (NC-17 warning) )
Chapter 6 )
Chapter 7 )
Chapter 8 )
Chapter 9 )
And on to Chapter 10:
She couldn’t say yes. The SGC would crucify them. She couldn’t say no. She’d die without him. In fact, they all might die in a few days anyway. )